7 Dec. 2001
Partnership Council (EAPC)
Action Plan 2002-2004
I : Short-Term Planning
Organisation of EAPC work (Inter-Ministerial Work Schedule, including
political and security-related consultations and practical cooperation)
- The EAPC Action Plan covers a two-year period. The Action Plan for
the period 2000 until 2002 has been reviewed this Autumn to develop
the EAPC Action Plan for the next two-year period and will be updated
in the Autumn of 2002. After submission to Ambassadors the Action Plan
will be endorsed by Ministers at their December meeting.
- As a follow-up to each regular meeting of EAPC Foreign and Defence
Ministers, EAPC Ambassadors will establish a work schedule for consultations
on political and security-related issues as well as on practical cooperation
activities under the EAPC Action Plan, leading up to the following Ministerial
meeting. Topics to be discussed in that period will be dictated by political
and security-related developments and take into account the Ministerial
meetings just completed. The schedule may be adjusted as necessary.
Other meetings such as in Alliance+n and other formats will be scheduled
on a case-by-case basis. The EAPC will be kept informed by its Chairman
on relevant developments within the Alliance.
- According to the EAPC Basic Document, specific subject areas on which
Allies and Partners would consult in the framework of the EAPC, may
"include but not be limited to: political and security related
matters; crisis management; regional matters; arms control issues; nuclear,
biological and chemical (NBC) proliferation and defence issues; international
terrorism; defence planning and budgets and defence policy and strategy;
security impacts of economic developments. There will also be scope
for consultations and cooperation on issues such as: civil emergency
and disaster preparedness; armaments cooperation under the aegis of
the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD); nuclear safety;
defence related environmental issues; civil-military coordination of
air traffic management and control; scientific cooperation; and issues
related to peace support operations."
- As a working method, open-ended groups of EAPC members may prepare,
on an ad-hoc basis, discussion papers on specific issues or regional
security cooperation matters to stimulate focused and result-oriented
discussions in the plenary session of the EAPC. The EAPC plenary would
pass on ideas and suggestions for practical cooperation developed in
this framework to relevant committees for any appropriate follow?up.
In 2001, the EAPC/PMSC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping continued
its work. Other Ad Hoc Working Groups also met, covering the following
issues: Global Humanitarian Mine Action, the Challenge of Small Arms
and Light Weapons, Prospects for Regional Cooperation in South Eastern
Europe, and Prospects for Regional Cooperation in the Caucasus. The
EAPC will consider, based on evolving practical experience, whether
these working methods would need improvement, adaptation or extension.
- A major part of the work schedule will be devoted to the further development
and implementation of the Partnership-related initiatives launched at
the Washington Summit; namely the Enhanced and more Operational Partnership,
including the Political-Military Framework for NATO-led PfP Operations
(PMF), the Expanded and Adapted Planning and Review Process (PARP),
the Operational Capabilities Concept for NATO-led PfP Operations (OCC)
and the PfP Training and Education Enhancement Programme (T&EEP).
- Implementation of specific activities included in this Action Plan
will depend on the availability of necessary resources.
II: Long-term programme for consultation and cooperation
and security-related issues
- Regional matters, including South Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus
- Enhancing practical cooperation, in the EAPC framework, with the Central
Asian Partner countries
- International fight against terrorism
- Cooperation on Stability Pact issues (Working Table 3)
- Cooperation with the OSCE and other international institutions on
security issues
- The situation in the Balkans
- Follow-up on the Political-Military Framework for NATO-led PfP Operations
- Practical cooperation issues
- Border security
- Other topics to be defined
- Seminars, workshops, open ended Ad Hoc Working Groups' meetings, expert
meetings, briefings and exchange of information on Bosnia Herzegovina
and Kosovo
Events planned
- Seminar on EAPC adaptation to the new security context to be hosted
by Romania (2003, date t.b.d.)
- Three annual seminars/workshops on regional security cooperation,
- Seminar on regional approaches to the new security risks, to be
hosted by Romania (2002, date t.b.d.)
- Seminar on "Challenges to Regional Cooperation in South Caucasus",
to be held in Baky, Azerbaijan (first half of 2002)
- Seminar on the enhancement of NATO-OSCE-EU cooperation to ensure
stability and security in SEE, to be hosted by Romania (2003, date
- Seminar on the improvement of co-ordination of initiatives for
regional cooperation in the SEE, to be hosted by Romania (2003,
date t.b.d.)
- Workshop on "Collection of Illegally Owned Small Arms and
Light Weapons and Regional Control Regimes on Small Arms and Light
Weapons" (second half of 2002, date t.b.d.), to be hosted by
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1).
- Seminar on "Regional Co-operation in forecasting and following
cross-border crises situations, from the aspect of protection of
the Environment", to be hosted by the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia (1) (first half of 2003).
- Meetings of NATO Regional Experts with experts from Partner countries
(dates t.b.d.)
Committee support
EAPC in Ambassadorial and Political Committee sessions, PMSC in EAPC/PfP
format, Policy Coordination Group with EAPC Partners
Staff support:
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate,
Defence Planning and Operations Division
- Mid- and long-term foreign and security policy issues
- Meetings of NATO's Atlantic Policy Advisory Group in EAPC format
Events planned
- Annual meetings of APAG in EAPC format. Next one to be held in the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1)
Committee support
EAPC in Political Committee session
Staff support
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate
control, disarmament and non-proliferation issues
- Arms control
- Political and defence efforts against proliferation of nuclear, biological
and chemical weapons and missiles and their components
- The Challenge of small arms and light weapons
- Global Humanitarian Mine Action
- Border control
- Consultations and expert meetings, open ended Ad Hoc Working Groups'
Events planned
- Small Arms and Light Weapons: follow-up to the Brugg seminar of May
2001 on Stockpile Security and Management
- Follow up to the Baky Workshop of June 2001 on Small Arms and Light
Committee support
EAPC in Political Committee session, PMSC in EAPC/PfP format
Staff Support
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate;
Defense Partnership and Cooperation Directorate, Defence Planning and
Operations Division
of arms control agreements
- Conventional arms control, implementation and verification
- Consultations, expert meetings, seminars, workshops
- Training and courses on support of arms control implementation
Events planned
- Courses on general arms control orientation at NATO School, Oberammergau
January/July 2002.
- Continuation and adaptation of programme of Joint Multilateral Inspection
Teams for CFE Cooperation Partners
- Continuation of operation and development of the VERITY database
- Annual Workshop with all CFE States Parties to load CFE information
exchange data into the VERITY Database
- Annual Workshop with all CFE States Parties to review the Notified
Current Force Structure in the VERITY Database
- Seminar on implementation of conventional arms control agreements
(including CFE), with a regional focus, as appropriate (February 2002)
Committee Support
Verification and Coordination Committee
Staff support
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate
fight against terrorism
- Identifying terrorism threats and responses to acts of terrorism
- Developing EAPC's role in the international fight against terrorism
- Sustaining high-level political commitment, following on EAPC Declaration
of 12 September
- Tangible support, as appropriate, to Central Asia and the Caucasus
partner countries
- Cooperation in civil emergency planning (CEP)
- Other practical cooperation including PfP activities
- Meetings of the Special Committee in the EAPC format
- Have terrorism figure prominently on agendas for EAPC Ambassadorial
meetings and other committees meeting in EAPC format
- Progress reports prepared for EAPC Ministerials as appropriate
- Exploring, inter alia, the use of the Trust Fund mechanism in order
to facilitate participation of Central Asian and Caucasus partner countries
in relevant EAPC/PfP activities
- Partners' participation in implementing, as appropriate, CEP Action
Plan for the improvement of civil preparedness against possible attacks
against the civilian population with chemical, biological and radiological
- Partners participation to the WMCD's inventory of national capabilities
which Allies and Partners might be willing to make available on a voluntary
basis to assist a country stricken by a CBR terrorist attack
- As appropriate, explore modalities for cooperation in non-article
5 activities related to the WMD Centre
- Seminars/workshops on EAPC's role in the fight against terrorism
Events planned
- Meeting of the Special Committee in the EAPC format (2002)
- Seminar on EAPC's role in the international fight against terrorism
to be hosted by Poland (February 2002)
- Seminar on "International Fight against Terrorism: Prospects
for Regional Cooperation in South Caucasus" (proposed date: second
half of 2002)
- Seminar on "Links amongst terrorism, drug smuggling, organised
crime and other illegal activities" to be hosted by Azerbaijan
(proposed date: early 2003).
Committee support
Special Committee in the EAPC format; EAPC in the Political Committee
format, PMSC in the EAPC/PfP format, Senior Civil Emergency Planning
Committee in EAPC format and other relevant committees in EAPC/PfP format
Staff support
International Staff: NATO Office of Security; Political Affairs Division,
Political Directorate; Defence Planning and Operations Division, SILCEP/CEP
- Common understanding of concepts and principles related to peacekeeping,
- humanitarian aspects of peacekeeping and civil-military relations
- lessons learned from peacekeeping
- early warning and conflict prevention
- public security aspects of PSOs
- post conflict management
- cultural property protection in PSOs
- Meetings of the EAPC/PMSC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping,
inviting where appropriate international organisations and other concerned
groups (dates t.b.d.). Expanded contacts and dialogue with the United
Nations and OSCE on conceptual approaches to peacekeeping
- Ad Hoc meetings of specialists on International Humanitarian Law
Committee support
EAPC/PMSC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping
Staff Support
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate;
Defence Planning and Operations Division
economic issues
- Defence related issues
- Resource management in defence spending
- Transparency in defence planning and budgeting
- Transition from conscript to professional army
- Management of former military sites
- Restructuring of defence industries (including privatisation)
- Regional matters
- Security aspects of economic developments - selected issues (e.g.
regional cooperation, shadow economy, investment climate)
- Economic Aspects of International Fight Against Terrorism
- Seminars, Workshops, Expert meetings, Annual Colloquium
Events planned
- Annual NATO Economics Colloquium, to be organised at NATO HQ in June
2002 and to be hosted by Ukraine in 2003 (proposed date to be determined).
- Seminar in Bulgaria on "Privatisation and Restructuring of Defence
Industries, with a particular Focus on the Progress Achieved in South
Eastern Europe (proposed date: first half of 2002).
- A conference in Germany on selected defence economics issues to be
co-organised with the Marshall Center (proposed date: September 2002).
- A Seminar in Hungary on "The Rôle of Application of Double
Entry Book keeping in Defence Resource Management" (proposed date:
to be determined).
- Sequence of presentations/training courses in Security and Defence
Economics given by experts to selected audiences from the countries
of South Caucasus (proposed date: to be determined).
- A Defence Economics Seminar, to be hosted by Germany in Berlin (proposed
date: to be determined).
- A seminar on "Planning, Programming and Budgeting in the Field
of Defence" to be hosted by Latvia in Riga (proposed date: to be
- Exchanges on "Real Cost of Defence as Measured in Purchasing
Power Parities" (format to be determined).
- An EAPC Seminar on "Ten Years of Defence Economics - Security
and Stability in Transition" to be hosted by Slovenia on 28-29
January 2002 .
Committee support
EAPC in Economic Committee Session
Staff support
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Economics Directorate,
to be coordinated with other Divisions where necessary
emergency planning and disaster preparedness
- Civil Emergency Planning and Disaster Preparedness
- Improvement of civil preparedness against possible attacks against
the civilian population with chemical, biological and radiological (CBR)
- Exercise EADRCC procedures and EADRU deployment
- Meetings of the SCEPC and PB&Cs in EAPC formats.
- Partners' participation, as agreed, in the implementation of the CEP
review and its adaptation and in the work of SCEPC and PB&Cs
- Partners' participation, as agreed, in civil-military planning and
coordination in support of non-art 5 crisis response operations
- Support to the development of Partners' CEP planning structures
- Consideration of the problems that may result from attacks on critical
civil infrastructure taking into the work currently being conducted
by the Planning Boards and Committees.
- Support to national authorities in civil emergencies
Events planned
- SCEPC meetings in EAPC format
- PB&C meetings, seminars, workshops in EAPC format
- CEP assessment team visits
- Partner Countries' CEP team visits to NATO HQ
- CEP-CIMIC courses at NATO School in Oberammergau
- Regional CEP-CIMIC courses in Slovenia and the Kyrgyz Republic
- PWP/EADRCC exercise "Taming the Dragon/Dalmatia" in Croatia
in May 2002
- PWP/EADRCC field exercise in Russia in Autumn 2002
- PWP/EADRCC field exercise in 2003 to be hosted by Romania
Committee support
Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee in EAPC format
Staff support
The EADRCC, SILCEP/CEP Directorate, SHAPE CIMIC section and NMA's as
- Participation in the activities of the NATO Civil Science Programme,
which focuses on linking Partner and NATO nation scientists. The four
Sub-Programmes are:
- Science Fellowships
- Cooperative Science and Technology
- Research Infrastructure Support
- Science for Peace
- Supporting applied science and technology projects that relate to
industrial, environmental or security-related problems under the Science
for Peace Programme
- Meeting of Science Committee in EAPC format at least once a year
- Meeting of Science Committee in a Partner country once a year with
a focus on promoting regional cooperation (e.g., Caucasus, Central Asia,
etc.), involving meetings with key regional scientific personalities
and "leaders of tomorrow"
- Participation of scientists from Partner countries in Advanced Study
Institutes (ASI) and Advanced Research Workshops (ARW), as well as the
holding of such meetings in Partner countries
- Participation of scientists from Partner countries in Collaborative
Linkage Grants, Science Fellowships and Expert Visit Grants
- Sending proceedings of NATO's scientific meetings to a central library
in each eligible Partner country and disseminating other literature
on the Science Programme to scientists in Partner countries
- Sponsoring visits of experts from Partner countries when invited by
project directors in NATO member countries
- Assisting Partners through the use of NATO's network of referees and
- Assisting Partner nations to develop computer networks connected to
the Internet to facilitate contacts and promote more effective cooperation
among scientists. This is accomplished through Networking Infrastructure
Grants and Networking Supplements to Collaborative Linkage Grants. A
major activity in this area to be conducted during 2001-2004 is the
"Virtual Silk Highway" project, which will bring greatly increased
Internet bandwidth to scientists of the 8 countries of the Caucasus
and Central Asia
- NATO Science Committee expert visits to Partner countries
Events Planned
About 10000 scientists from the EAPC countries participate each year
in activities sponsored by the NATO Science Programme. Joint applications
are submitted by Partner and NATO country scientists to conduct cooperative
activities. Grants are then awarded based on the scientific merit of
the applications. The approximate numbers of new activities awarded
each year are:
- 60 Advanced Research Workshops
- 35 Advanced Study Institutes
- 1100+ Fellowships
- 300 Collaborative Linkage Grants
- 35 Science for Peace Projects
- 50 Expert Visits
- 15 Computer Networking Infrastructure Grants
Committee support
Science Committee in EAPC format
Staff support
International Staff, Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division
of modern societies
Following are the key objectives agreed by CCMS; some examples are given
to indicate either current or planned activities.
- Reducing the environmental impact of military activities (reuse of
former military sites, environmental management systems)
- Conducting regional studies including cross-border activities (Black
Sea, Caspian Sea, Baltic Sea and Central Asia)
- Preventing conflicts in relation to scarcity of resources (water quality
and quantity)
- Addressing emerging risks to the environment and society that could
cause economic, cultural and political instability (vulnerability of
interconnected society)
- Addressing non-traditional threats to security (infectious diseases,
environmental crime and ecoterrorism, legal and illegal transboundary
movements of hazardous substances)
- Any additional topics of interest both to NATO and Partner countries
- Meeting of the Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS)
in EAPC format at least once a year
- Participation of Partners' experts in pilot study meetings, short
term projects, workshops, conferences, seminars, and holding meetings
in Partner countries
- Dissemination of information on CCMS pilot studies, short term projects,
workshops, conferences and seminars, as well as approved reports to
- The following current or recent pilot study topics will be subject
to annual revision in consultation with Partners:
- Clean products and processes
- Ecosystem modelling of coastal lagoons for sustainable management
(Phase II)
- Modelling nutrient loads and response in river and estuary systems
- Sustainable building for military infrastructure
- Environmental decision-making for sustainable development in Central
- Forms of environmental education in the armed forces and their
impact on creation of pro-environmental attitudes
- Vulnerability of the interconnected society
- Using landscape science for environmental assessment
Events Planned
- Workshop on Risk Assessment of Chernobyl Accident Consequences
- Workshop on Reuse and Cleaning of Former Military Sites
- Workshop on Environmental Challenges in the Caspian Sea to be hosted
by Azerbaijan, in Baky, in March 2002
Committee support
Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society in EAPC format
Staff support
International Staff, Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division
- Contribution to increased understanding of NATO and EAPC/PfP issues
and to a more informed debate on security matters
- Exploration of expectations including public expectations of the information
- Information about NATO and its policies as well as on EAPC/PfP issues
will be made available to target audiences in Partner countries, including
selected institutions and organisations, inter alia through Embassies
of NATO member countries serving as contact points, and other channels
- Continue and further intensify information-related cooperation with
relevant institutions in Partner countries able to provide the necessary
facilities, support personnel and services
- Visits to NATO by target groups
- Sponsorship of experts from Partner countries to attend security-related
seminars in Allied countries
- Co-sponsorship of seminars/workshops and educational activities relevant
to Euro-Atlantic security and defence issues
- Presentations by speakers from NATO and Partner countries at selected
- Increased dissemination of NATO documentation and information materials
in Partner countries, and dissemination of information by electronic
- Distribution of NATO video footage and photos
- Press tours to NATO and Partner countries
Events planned
- Regular meeting(s) of the Committee on Information and Cultural Relations
(CICR) with EAPC Partners (date(s) t.b.d.)
Committee support
- Committee on Information and Cultural Relations (CICR) in EAPC format
Staff support
International Staff, Office of Information and Press
area on
humanitarian law
- Knowledge and application of International Humanitarian Law
- Seminars, workshops, briefings and expert meetings
Events planned
- Workshop on International Humanitarian Law Implementation Mechanisms
2002 (Follow up to the London Workshop, November 2000)
- Follow up to the Interlaken Workshop on Prosecuting War Crimes (in
- Briefing to the EAPC Ambassadors by the President of the ICRC (in
Committee support
EAPC in Political Committee session, PMSC in EAPC/PfP format
Staff support
International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate;
Defence Planning and Operations Division, Defence Partnership and Co-operation
area on
- Common understanding of concepts and principles related to the protection
of classified information
- Knowledge and application of NATO procedures for the protection of
classified information and materiel, including in peace support operations
- Regular visits/liaison with the security authorities of EAPC member
- Specialised courses in the field of protective security
Events planned
- Seminar on NATO Security Policy and procedures
Committee support
NATO Security Committee in EAPC format
Staff support
NATO Office of Security
III - PfP Areas of cooperation
- 1. As stipulated by the EAPC Basic Document, Partnership for Peace
in its enhanced form will be a clearly identifiable element within the
flexible framework created by the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.
PfP will maintain the Alliance+1 character reflected in the Individual
Partnership Programmes, as well as the principle of self-differentiation.
In that context, PfP will provide increased scope for regional cooperation
- 2. Topics and activities undertaken in the PfP are included in the
PfP Partnership Work Programme, which is a separate document. Below
are listed the generic agreed areas of cooperation that will be updated
every two years.
- Air Defence related matters (ADF)
- Airspace Management/Control (ASM)
- Consultation, Command and Control, Including Communications and
Information Systems, Navigation and Identification Systems, Interoperability
Aspects, Procedures and Terminology (C3)
- Civil Emergency Planning (CEP)
- Crisis Management (CRM)
- Democratic Control of Forces and Defence Structures (DCF)
- Defence Planning, Budgeting and Resource Management (DPB)
- Planning, Organisation and Management of National Defence Procurement
Programmes and International Cooperation in the Armaments Field
- Defence Policy and Strategy (DPS)
- Planning, Organisation and Management of National Defence Research
and Technology (DRT)
- Military Geography (GEO)
- Global Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA)
- International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
- Language Training (LNG)
- Consumer Logistics (LOG)
- Medical Services (MED)
- Meteorological Support for NATO/Partner Forces (MET)
- Military Infrastructure (MIF)
- Political and Defence Efforts against NBC Proliferation (NBC)
- Conceptual, Planning and Operational Aspects of Peacekeeping (PKG)
- Small Arms and Light Weapons (SLW)
- Operational, Materiel and Administrative Aspects of Standardisation
- Military Exercises and Related Training Activities (TEX)
- Military Education, Training and Doctrine (TRD)
As reflected in the "Short-Term Planning" section of this document,
a significant effort will be devoted to the further development and implementation
of the Partnership related initiatives launched at the Washington Summit.
Broadening of PfP activities and adaptation, where appropriate, of the
Partnership Work Programme, to address the challenges posed by terrorism.
A part of PfP Planning Symposium, Oberammergau, January 2002 will be devoted
to ways of enhancing anti-terrorist capacities.
1. Turkey recognises the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name