Updated: 17-Nov-2001 NATO Press Releases


17 Nov. 2001

by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson

The people of Kosovo have today for the first time in their history voted in free and democratic legislative elections. These elections represent a remarkable step forward towards normality and give all communities in Kosovo the chance to build a truly democratic, multi-ethnic and prosperous society. The positive climate in which these elections were held shows that Kosovo is moving in the right direction for overcoming the traumas of the recent past.

Through these elections, all communities in Kosovo have taken an active part in shaping their common representation in the local parliament. I commend all those members of minorities, including the Serb minority, that have shown their sense of responsibility by seizing this opportunity to exercise their rights.

I also commend the efforts of UNMIK, the OSCE and all those in the international community who made this election possible, as well as of the soldiers in KFOR who have worked with professionalism and dedication in ensuring the elections could be held in a peaceful and secure environment.

NATO remains committed to the restoration of peace and stability in Kosovo and the entire Balkan region.

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