Ministers Meetings
6 - 7 December 2001
The North Atlantic Council and the NATO-Ukraine Commission will meet
at the level of Foreign Ministers on 06 December 2001 at NATO Headquarters
in Brussels. The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the NATO-Russia
Permanent Joint Council will meet at the level of Foreign Ministers on
07 December.
(a) Journalists holding NATO permanent press cards need not apply
for accreditation.
(b) Correspondents not in possession of a NATO permanent press card
will be permitted to the press zone on presentation of numbered individual
NATO press passes. Advance application for this accreditation may be made
by filling in the enclosed forms (.PDF/17 KB).
Please return the completed forms as soon as possible to:
Head of Press & Media Service, NATO, B-1110 Brussels, Belgium.
Further forms may be obtained from the NATO Press Service.
NATO press passes will not be mailed to applicants. They may be collected
from the accreditation desk in the press zone from 14:00 on Wednesday,
05 December.
Note: NATO reserves the right to withhold press cards where no advance
application has been submitted.
A detailed programme will be available upon accreditation.
Correspondents are advised that they will not be able to bring vehicles
into the NATO compound.
General press arrangements: |
Mr. F. Le Blévennec |
tel: + 32 (0)2 707 50 38 |
TV and Radio: |
Mr. G. De Brouwer |
tel: + 32 (0)2 707 50 49 |
Photo Office: |
Mr. A.-J. Soares |
tel: + 32 (0)2 707 50 46 |