Updated: 08-Oct-2001 NATO Press Releases


8 Oct. 2001

Regional CEP/CIMIC Course, Bratislava, Slovakia

From 8 to 12 October 2001, a Regional Course on Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) and Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) is being held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The course is conducted jointly by the Civil Emergency Planning Directorate at NATO Headquarters, SHAPE, CIMIC Section and the Civil Protection Office of the Slovakian Ministry of Interior.

This course is open to participants from Slovakia and the neighbouring PfP countries. More than 50 participants from Slovakian Civil Protection Organisations, the Ministry of Defence and various civil ministries as well as from neighbouring countries, such as Austria, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania, are attending this course. Its aim is to introduce participants to the organisation, role and functions of Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) and to the aim, basic principles and procedures of Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) within NATO's strategic concept and in the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership, and to exchange relevant information from the region.

This course is the thirteenth to be conducted in a Partner country. Previous courses were conducted in Central Asia, i.e. in Kazakhstan, Kirgystan and Uzbekistan, in the Caucasus, i.e. in Azerbaijan and Georgia, and in other Partner countries, such as Bulgaria, Lithuania, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine. Future courses of this kind are scheduled to be held in Slovenia (Spring 2002), Turkmenistan (Fall 2002) and Finland (2003).

For further information please contact Mr. R. Roepke, NATO Civil Emergency Planning Directorate, (Int’l +) 32 2 707.4137/4972.

+32 (0)2 707 50 41
+32 (0)2 707 50 57
B-1110 Brussels/Bruxelles

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