Updated: 03-May-2001 NATO Press Releases

(2001) 055

3 May 2001

Statement by NATO Secretary General on the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1)

I am appalled by the killings and the cowardly attacks against security forces, and concerned over the rising tension in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1). These incidents risk undermining the peace in a country that is a successful example of a well-functioning democracy in the Balkans. I urge all ethnic groups to condemn violence in public and in private and to act with restraint. I urge all communities to unite in solidarity against extremists and to isolate them. Those who prefer violence to votes should be given no chance to destablilise the country. The legitimate aspirations of the ethnic Albanian community can only be achieved through political means. NATO will not tolerate and rejects completely the use of violence against the authorities of the democratic government in Skopje.

Additional information:
  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.
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