Updated: 13-Apr-2000 Press Statement


12 April 2000

Press Statement

Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council at Ambassadorial level

The NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council at Ambassadorial level met on Wednesday 12 April 2000, at NATO Headquarters.

Following a briefing on the meeting of Military Representatives under the auspices of the PJC held on 30 March 2000, Ambassadors discussed the situation in the former Yugoslavia and exchanged views on NATO-Russia cooperation in the international security presence in Kosovo (KFOR). They reviewed, in particular, the state of implementation of the security aspects of UNSCR 1244 and stressed their determination to meet in full the aims of the international community as set out therein. They reiterated the determination by NATO and Russia to cooperate closely in all areas including the protection of Kosovo's minorities. They underlined that the international community will not tolerate provocations and other attempts to undermine the peace process.

Following the initial exchange of views on questions related to NATO's 1999 Strategic Concept and Russia's National Security Concept held at the 15 March PJC, Ambassadors continued this discussion. They also addressed issues related to military strategy and doctrines. In view of its importance for enhancing transparency, mutual understanding and trust, Ambassadors look forward to deepening this discussion in the PJC framework.

NATO and Russia also exchanged views and information on a wide range of arms control issues, including non-proliferation of WMD in the context of the preparation of the NPT Review Conference scheduled to start on 24 April, CFE as well as others.

The next meeting of the Permanent Joint Council at Ambassadorial level is scheduled for 17 May 2000.

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