Updated: 13-Dec-2000 NATO Press Releases

Press Release

Report on
Options for
Confidence and
ration, Arms
Control and

December 2000

5. NATO's Role in the Future : Options for CSBMs, Verification, Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament
5.6. Conventional Arms Control
  5.6.2. The Way Ahead on Conventional Arms Control
  1. The negotiation of Vienna Document 1999 demonstrated that the current Document sets a high substantive standard for new pan-European CSBMs. Allies agree that the future challenges in the conventional arms control/CSBM arena are likely to focus on regional and sub-regional issues.
  2. In the Euro-Atlantic region a comprehensive regime of conventional arms control has been developed. This may serve as an example for other regions of the world. In this context Allies and the Alliance will continue to have expertise to offer and a contribution to make to discussions on regional agreements.
  3. There may be scope for encouraging the development, within the appropriate fora, of discussions on stabilising measures in certain regions of tension.
  4. Upon entry into force of the Adapted CFE Treaty, OSCE participating States with territory in the area between the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural Mountains may apply for accession to the Adapted Treaty, thereby providing an important additional contribution to European stability and security. The Alliance is pleased that the Adapted Treaty will permit accession by new States Parties, and stands ready to provide relevant information to accession candidates regarding the rights and responsibilities of States Parties.
  5. The Alliance will continue to engage Russia, Ukraine and other EAPC Partners in discussion of conventional arms control issues, as opportunities arise.

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