Updated: 13-Dec-2000 NATO Press Releases

Press Release

Report on
Options for
Confidence and
ration, Arms
Control and

December 2000

5. NATO's Role in the Future : Options for CSBMs, Verification, Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament
5.6. Conventional Arms Control
  5.6.1. The CFE process
  1. The CFE process, begun in 1990, has achieved a significant reduction in the holdings of conventional armaments and equipment of the States Parties to the Treaty and has established a new pattern of security relations among them. However, there are continuing implementation issues, which must be addressed as we approach the next CFE Review Conference in 2001. The Agreement on the Adaptation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), signed at the OSCE Summit in Istanbul on 19 November 1999, will ensure the continuing role of the CFE Treaty as a cornerstone of European security and stability. The successful completion of this negotiation is an important contribution to the overall process of enhancing security and stability in Europe. It also demonstrates the common commitment of Allies to cooperative security relations.
  2. Maintaining the effectiveness and credibility of the CFE Treaty will also represent a significant contribution to the overall process of enhancing arms control. In this regard, NATO Ministers at Florence have stated that the Alliance advocates "entry into force at the earliest possible time but this can only be envisaged in the context of compliance by all States Parties with the Treaty's agreed levels of armaments and equipment, consistent with the commitments contained in the CFE Final Act. We look for early and effective implementation of Russia's commitments to reduce and withdraw its forces from Moldova and Georgia." But we remain concerned about the continued high levels of Russian Treaty limited equipment in relation to the Treaty's Article V ("Flank") limits. These levels must be brought into line with treaty limits in a manner consistent with agreed counting rules and procedures. It is on this basis that Allies will continue to work towards bringing the Adapted Treaty into force. Pending the completion of this process, the full and continued implementation of the Treaty and its associated documents remains crucial.
  3. NATO nations have begun work on tasks related to the implementation of the Adapted CFE Treaty. This work will include the development and/or updating of procedures for co-ordination among Allies for the implementation of the Adapted CFE Treaty and consideration of procedures for enhanced co-operation with CFE Partners.
  4. The accession provisions of the Adapted CFE Treaty provide for increasing the number of States Parties and extending the CFE pattern of new security relations based on peaceful co-operation beyond the current 30 States Parties. In accordance with those provisions, addition on a case-by-case basis of new States Parties to the Adapted CFE Treaty can contribute to transparency, predictability, and stability within the Euro-Atlantic region.
  5. The Alliance views conventional arms control to be both an important tool of conflict prevention and an integral part of crisis response. There may be scope for including specific reference to arms control provisions in Alliance planning documents dealing with crisis management.

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