Updated: 10-May-2000 NATO Press Releases


10 May 2000

Lt. Gen Carlo Cabigiosu, Italian Army,
Appointed as the Next Commander of KFOR

The North Atlantic Council has noted with approval the appointment of Lt.Gen. Carlo Cabigiosu, Italian Army, to serve as the next Commander of the NATO peace support mission in Kosovo (KFOR), effective in October 2000.

General Cabigiosu was nominated on the recommendation of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe and his appointment was approved by the NATO Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence session this week.

General Cabigiosu will succeed Lt. Gen. Juan Ortuño, the Eurocorp Commander, who assumed the command for a six-month period beginning 18 April.

This appointment also recognises the fundamental rôle played by Italy during the Kosovo crisis to halt the humanitarian catastrophe there and its crucial current contribution to the stabilisation of the region.

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