Updated: 02-Mar-2000 NATO Press Releases

(2000) 021

2 March 2000


NATO-Ukraine Commission

Today the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine ratified the Partnership for Peace Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), following its submission by the President of Ukraine. The NATO-Ukraine Commission salutes this decision which will further enhance the opportunities for carrying out joint NATO-Ukraine activities as well as Partnership for Peace exercises. As already demonstrated in other Partner countries, the ratification of the SOFA will allow Ukraine to enjoy full military and economic benefits of the Partnership for Peace programme. NATO and Ukraine, together with individual Allies and Partners, look forward to taking advantage of the new possibilities which have been opened by this important decision of the Verkhovna Rada, including the use of the Yavoriv Training Centre.

The NATO-Ukraine Commission also welcomes the ratification of the Open Skies Treaty by the Verkhovna Rada, which is another important contribution to transparency and arms control.

These two ratifications coincide propitiously with the first ever meeting of the Ukraine Commission in Ukraine. This took place yesterday in Kyiv and enabled a full and fruitful exchange of views which bodes well for the future of the cooperation between Ukraine and NATO.

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