Updated: 27 October 1999 NATO Press Statements

27 Oct. 1999

Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council at Ambassadorial Level

The NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (PJC) at Ambassadorial level met on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 at NATO Headquarters.

Following a briefing on the meeting of Military Representatives under the auspices of the PJC held on 7 October 1999, Ambassadors discussed the situation in and around Kosovo, and discussed in detail NATO-Russia cooperation in the international security presence (KFOR).

Stressing their commitment to full implementation of the provisions and goals of UNSCR 1244, NATO and Russia commended the cooperative and professional relationship among NATO and Russian military contingents within KFOR, reflected, inter alia, in joint patrolling.

Discussions reflected a common understanding on a number of issues and a joint determination by NATO and Russia to cooperate closely in ensuring the continued protection and well-being of Kosovo's minorities and the establishment of a multi-ethnic, democratic society. They condemned all acts of violence and called upon all the people of Kosovo to support and cooperate with the international security and civil presences.

Both sides noted that KFOR will attach high priority to monitoring cross-border movements into Kosovo. KFOR shall, under the authority of UNMIK, provide day-to-day operational direction to the recently established Kosovo Protection Corps with a view to ensuring its civilian and multi-ethnic character.

The next meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council is scheduled for 17 November 1999.

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