Updated: 06-May-2002 NATO Press Releases


16 Dec. 1999

Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC)
Action Plan 2000-2002

Section I: Short-Term Planning

Organisation of EAPC work (Inter-Ministerial work schedule, including
political and security-related consultations and practical cooperation)

  1. The EAPC Action Plan covers a two-year period. The Action Plan for the period 2000 until 2002 will be updated in the fall of 2000 and then reviewed in the fall of 2001 to be replaced by an EAPC Action Plan for a new two-year period. After submission to Ambassadors the Action Plan will be endorsed by Ministers at their December meeting.

  2. As a follow-up to each regular meeting of EAPC Foreign Ministers, EAPC Ambassadors will establish a work schedule for consultations on political and security-related issues as well as on practical cooperation activities under the EAPC Action Plan, leading up to the following Ministerial meeting. Topics to be discussed in that period will be dictated by political and security-related developments and take into account the Ministerial meetings just completed, including the EAPC Defence Ministers' meeting (Summits). The schedule may be adjusted as necessary. Other meetings such as in Alliance+n and other formats will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. The EAPC will be kept informed by its Chairman on relevant developments within the Alliance.

  3. According to the EAPC Basic Document, specific subject areas on which Allies and Partners would consult in the framework of the EAPC, may "include but not be limited to: political and security related matters; crisis management; regional matters; arms control issues; nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) proliferation and defence issues; international terrorism; defence planning and budgets and defence policy and strategy; security impacts of economic developments. There will also be scope for consultations and cooperation on issues such as: civil emergency and disaster preparedness; armaments cooperation under the aegis of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD); nuclear safety; defence related environmental issues; civil-military coordination of air traffic management and control; scientific cooperation; and issues related to peace support operations."

  4. As a working method, open-ended groups of EAPC members may prepare, on an ad-hoc basis, discussion papers on specific issues or regional security cooperation matters to stimulate focused and result-oriented discussions in the plenary session of the EAPC. The EAPC plenary would pass on ideas and suggestions for practical cooperation developed in this framework to relevant committees for any appropriate follow-up. In 1999 four open ended Ad Hoc Working Groups were convened, joining the ongoing work of the EAPC/PMSC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping, exploring possible EAPC contribution to the following: Global Humanitarian Mine Action, the challenge of small arms and light weapons, prospects for regional cooperation in South Eastern Europe, and in the Caucasus. The EAPC will consider, based on evolving practical experience, whether these working methods would need improvement, adaptation or extension.

  5. A major part of the work schedule for the short and the long term will be the development and implementation of the Partnership related initiatives launched at the Washington Summit; namely the Enhanced and more Operational Partnership, including the Political-Military Framework for NATO-led PfP Operations (PMF), the Expanded and Adapted Planning and Review Process (PARP), the Operational Capabilities Concept for NATO-led PfP Operations (OCC) and the PfP Training and Education Enhancement Programme (T&EEP)

Section II: Long-Term Programme for Consultation and Cooperation

Political and Security-related Issues


  1. Regional matters, including South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
  2. Cooperation on Stability Pact issues (Working Table 3)
  3. Cooperation with the OSCE and other international institutions on security issues
  4. Kosovo Lessons Learned
  5. Follow-up on the Political-Military Framework for NATO-led PfP Operations
  6. Practical cooperation issues
  7. Other topics to be defined


  1. Seminars, workshops, open ended Ad Hoc Working Groups' meetings, expert meetings, briefings and exchange of information on Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo

Events planned for 2000

  1. Two seminars/workshops on regional security cooperation
  2. Meetings of NATO Regional Experts with experts from Partner countries (dates t.b.d.)
  3. Workshop on the implementation of the Political-Military Framework for NATO-led PfP operations (t.b.d.)

Committee support

EAPC in Political Committee session, PMSC in EAPC/PfP format, Policy Coordination Group with EAPC Partners

Staff support:

International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate, Defence Planning and Operations Division

Policy Planning


  1. Mid- and long-term foreign and security policy issues


  1. Meetings of NATO's Atlantic Policy Advisory Group in EAPC format

Events planned for 2000

  1. One meeting of APAG in EAPC format to be held in Switzerland

Committee support

EAPC in Political Committee session

Staff support

International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate

Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Issues


  1. Arms control
  2. Political and defence efforts against proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and missiles
  3. The Challenge of small arms and light weapons
  4. Global Humanitarian Mine Action


  1. Consultations and expert meetings, open ended Ad Hoc Working Groups' meetings

Events planned for 2000

  1. One meeting of EAPC/PC with disarmament experts (date t.b.d.)

Committee support

EAPC in Political Committee session, PMSC in EAPC/PfP format

Staff Support

International Staff/Political Affairs Division/Political Directorate; Defence Planning and Operations Division

Implementation of Arms Control Agreements


  1. Conventional arms control, implementation and verification


  1. Consultations, expert meetings, seminars, workshops
  2. Training and courses on support of arms control implementation

Events planned for 2000

  1. Courses on general arms control orientation at NATO School, Oberammergau
  2. Continuation and adaptation of programme of Joint Multilateral Inspection Teams for CFE Cooperation Partners
  3. Continuation of operation and development of the VERITY database
  4. Seminar(s) on implementation of conventional arms control agreements (including CFE), with a regional focus, as appropriate

Committee Support

Verification and Coordination Committee

Staff support

International Staff, Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate

International Terrorism


  1. Identifying threats from and responses to international terrorism


  1. Meetings with the NATO Special Committee

Events planned for 2000

  1. Meeting(s) of the EAPC/PC with the Special Committee (t.b.d.)

Committee support

Special Committee in EAPC format (t.b.d.)

Staff support

International Staff/NATO Office of Security



  1. Common understanding of concepts and principles related to peacekeeping, including:
    • humanitarian aspects of peacekeeping and civil-military relations
    • lessons learned from peacekeeping
    • early warning and conflict prevention

  2. Knowledge and application of International Humanitarian Law


  1. Meetings of the EAPC/PMSC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping, inviting where appropriate international organisations and other concerned groups (dates t.b.d.). Expanded contacts and dialogue with the United Nations and OSCE on conceptual approaches to peacekeeping
  2. Specialised courses in the field of peacekeeping and conflict resolution

Events planned for 2000

  1. Briefing of the ICRC President and of the Prosecutor of the ICTY at an EAPC Ambassadorial meeting
  2. Workshop/seminar on International Humanitarian Law and Multinational Forces

Committee support

EAPC/PMSC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping

Staff Support

International Staff/Political Affairs Division, Political Directorate; Defence Planning and Operations Division

Defence Economic Issues


  1. Defence related issues
    1. Resource management in defence spending
    2. Transparency in defence planning and budgeting
    3. Transition from conscript to professional army
    4. Military base closures
    5. Restructuring of defence industries (including privatisation)
    6. Regional matters

  2. Security aspects of economic developments - selected issues (e.g. regional cooperation, shadow economy, investment climate)


  1. Seminars, Workshops, Expert meetings, Annual Colloquium

Events planned for 2000

  1. A seminar in Georgia on "Economic Aspects of Defence Budgeting in Transition Economies" (proposed date: April/May 2000)
  2. A seminar in Romania on "Economic Aspects of Resource Management of Defence Spending, taking into account NATO Country Methodologies" (proposed date: 1st half of 2000)
  3. A seminar in Austria on "The Role of the Private Sector in Defence" (proposed date: October 2000)
  4. A seminar in Bulgaria on "The Financing of Infrastructure Projects with Dual Use Potential" (dated to be determined)
  5. A conference in Ukraine on "The Retraining of Military Personnel" (date to be determined)
  6. Annual NATO Economics Colloquium (proposed date: June 2000 and June 2001)
  7. Exchanges on "Real Cost of Defence as Measured in Purchasing Power Parities" (format to be determined)
  8. Seminar in Armenia on "The Impact of Economic Difficulties on the Development of Democratic Societies in Transition" (date to be determined)

Committee support

EAPC in Economic Committee Session

Staff support

International Staff/Political Affairs Division, Economics Directorate, to be coordinated with other Divisions where necessary



  1. Participation in the activities of the NATO Civil Science Programme, which focuses on linking Partner and NATO nation scientists. The four Sub-Programmes are:
    • Science Fellowships
    • Cooperative Science and Technology
    • Research Infrastructure Support
    • Science for Peace


  1. Supporting applied science and technology projects that relate to industrial, environmental or security-related problems under the Science for Peace Programme
  2. Meeting of Science Committee in EAPC format at least once a year
  3. Participation of scientists from Partner countries in Advanced Study Institutes (ASI) and Advanced Research Workshops (ARW), as well as the holding of such meetings in Partner countries
  4. Participation of scientists from Partner countries in Collaborative Linkage Grants, Science Fellowships and Expert Visit Grants
  5. Sending proceedings of NATO's scientific meetings to a central library in each eligible Partner country and disseminating other literature on the Science Programme to scientists in Partner countries
  6. Sponsoring visits of experts from Partner countries when invited by project directors in NATO member countries
  7. Assisting Partners through the use of NATO's network of referees and experts
  8. Assisting Partner nations to develop computer networks connected to the Internet to facilitate contacts and promote more effective cooperation among scientists. This is accomplished through Networking Infrastructure Grants and Networking Supplements to Collaborative Linkage Grants

Committee support

Science Committee in EAPC format

Staff support

International Staff/Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division

Challenges of Modern Societies


  1. Defence-related environmental issues
  2. Additional pilot study topics of interest to Partners


  1. Meeting of the Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS) in EAPC format at least once a year
  2. Participation of Partners' experts in pilot study meetings, workshops, conferences, seminars, and holding pilot study meetings in Partner countries
  3. Dissemination of information on CCMS pilot studies, workshops, conferences and seminars, as well as approved reports to Partners
  4. The following current or recent pilot study topics will be subject to annual revision in consultation with Partners:
    • Clean products and processes
    • Ecosystem modelling of coastal lagoons for sustainable management
    • Modelling nutrient loads and response in river and estuary systems
    • Development of an integrated coastal zone management programme (INCOM) through coastal and shelf monitoring and modelling in the Black Sea
    • Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging remedial action technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater
    • Methodology, focalisation, evaluation and scope of the environmental impact assessment
    • Environmental management systems in the military sector
  5. Active consideration of new pilot study proposals made by either NATO or Partner countries

Committee support

Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society in EAPC format

Staff support

International Staff/Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division



  1. Contribution to increased understanding of NATO and EAPC/PfP issues and to a more informed debate on security matters
  2. Exploration of expectations including public expectations of the information programme


  1. Information about NATO and its policies as well as on EAPC/PfP issues will be made available to target audiences in Partner countries, including selected institutions and organisations, inter alia through embassies of NATO member countries serving as contact points, and other channels
  2. Continue and further intensify information-related cooperation with relevant institutions in Partner countries able to provide the necessary facilities, support personnel and services
  3. Visits to NATO by target groups
  4. Sponsorship of experts from Partner countries to attend security-related seminars in Allied countries
  5. Co-sponsorship of seminars/workshops and educational activities relevant to Euro-Atlantic security and defence issues
  6. Presentations by speakers from NATO and Partner countries at selected events
  7. Fellowships for academics (individual and institutional support)
  8. Increased dissemination of NATO documentation and information materials in Partner countries, and dissemination of information by electronic means
  9. Distribution of NATO video footage and photos
  10. Press tours to NATO and Partner countries

Events planned for 2000

  1. One meeting of the Committee on Information and Cultural Relations (CICR) with EAPC Partners (date t.b.d.)

Committee support

Committee on Information and Cultural Relations (CICR) in EAPC format

Staff support

International Staff/Office of Information and Press

Section III: Civil Emergency Planning and Disaster Preparedness


  1. Civil Emergency Planning and Disaster Preparedness


  1. Further development of a Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response capability (This effort will include cooperation with UN bodies responsible for disaster relief)
  2. Progressive implementation of the opening up of the technical committees, which depend on SCEPC, to Partner participation
  3. Discussion on civilian-military interoperability in civil emergency planning and disaster response (t.b.d.)

Committee support

Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee in EAPC format

Staff support

The EADRCC, International Staff/Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Emergency Planning Division, NMA's as appropriate

Section IV: PfP Areas of Cooperation

  1. As stipulated by the EAPC Basic Document, Partnership for Peace in its enhanced form will be a clearly identifiable element within the flexible framework created by the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. PfP will maintain the Alliance+1 character reflected in the Individual Partnership Programmes, as well as the principle of self-differentiation. In that context, PfP will provide increased scope for regional cooperation activities.
  2. Topics and activities undertaken in the PfP are included in the PfP Partnership Work Programme, which is a separate document. Below are listed the generic agreed areas of cooperation that will be updated every two years.
    1. Air Defence related matters (ADF)
    2. Airspace Management/Control (ASM)
    3. Consultation, Command and Control, Including Communications and Information Systems, Navigation and Identification Systems, Interoperability Aspects, Procedures and Terminology (C3)
    4. Civil Emergency Planning (CEP)
    5. Crisis Management (CRM)
    6. Democratic Control of Forces and Defence Structures (DCF)
    7. Defence Planning, Budgeting and Resource Management (DPB)
    8. Planning, Organisation and Management of National Defence Procurement Programmes and International Cooperation in the Armaments Field (DPM)
    9. Defence Policy and Strategy (DPS)
    10. Planning, Organisation and Management of National Defence Research and Technology (DRT)
    11. Military Geography (GEO)
    12. Global Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA)
    13. Language Training (LNG)
    14. Consumer Logistics (LOG)
    15. Medical Services (MED)
    16. Meteorological Support for NATO/Partner Forces (MET)
    17. Military Infrastructure (MIF)
    18. Political and Defence Efforts against NBC Proliferation (NBC)
    19. Conceptual, Planning and Operational Aspects of Peacekeeping (PKG)
    20. Operational, Materiel and Administrative Aspects of Standardisation (STD)
    21. Military Exercises and Related Training Activities (TEX)
    22. Military Education, Training and Doctrine (TRD)

As reflected in the "Short-Term Planning" section of this document, a significant effort will be devoted to the further development and implementation of the Partnership related initiatives launched at the Washington Summit.

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