
28 April 1998

Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana on recent disturbances in Bosnia and Herzegovina

I deplore the recent acts of intimidation and violence in a number of locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina including Derventa, Drvar, Phelan and Svjetlica, which have been targeted against those who wish to return to their homes. Such acts are blatant violations of the Dayton Peace Accords, which all the Parties are obliged to uphold. The responsible local and national authorities must take concrete steps to prevent such acts and to promote the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes.

SFOR will continue to support those working to implement Dayton and will take firm action, as provided by its mandate, against those seeking to undermine any aspect of the Peace Agreement, including the legitimate return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes.

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