
24 Feb. 1998

Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana on the surrender of Simo Zaric a person indicted for war crimes to SFOR

I welcome the decision today of Simo Zaric to surrender himself voluntarily to SFOR. Zaric has been indicted for war crimes by the ICTY. He is now being processed for immediate transfer to the custody of the ICTY in The Hague, where he will receive a free and fair trial.

Further details will be provided by the operational commanders in due course.

I hope the example of Simo Zaric, as well as that of Milan Simic and Miroslav Tadic who gave themselves up ten days ago, will be followed by other indicted war criminals still at large. I also call upon the parties to the Peace Agreement to meet their obligation to transfer indicted war criminals to the ICTY.

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