
1 Apr. 1997

Logo Sintra
North Atlantic Council
Sintra, 29 May 1997

North Atlantic Co-Operation Council
Sintra, 30 May 1997

Date And Place

A meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers will be held in Sintra, Portugal, on Thursday, 29 May 1997, followed by a North Atlantic Co-operation Council meeting on Friday, 30 May 1997.


  1. Media Facilities
  2. The conference site will be the Penha Longa Resort in Sintra. The Media Centre will be set up next to the Palacio Conference Centre. More information about the media facilities and a detailed programme will be given in a later media advisory closer to the date of the meetings.

  3. Accreditation
  4. Applications for accreditation should be made before 15 April 1997 on the attached form (.PDF / 51Kb) to one of the following addresses:

    1. Belgium-based and international media representatives

      NATO Press and Media Service
      B-1110 Brussels
      Tel: Int'l+(32-2) 707 50 38
      Fax: Int'l+(32-2) 707 50 57

    2. Portuguese and international media representatives based in Portugal

      Ministry of Foreign Affairs
      Organizing Commission (CAN)
      Largo das Necessidades
      1354 Lisboa Codex
      Tel: Int'l+(351-1) 362 13 63
      Fax: Int'l+(351-1) 362 13 47

  5. Pass Collection And Security Check
  6. Accreditation passes can be collected from 14:00 hours on Monday, 26 May 1997, at the Media Centre's accreditation desk on presentation of a valid press card and photographic proof of identity. The pass and the proof of identity should be carried at all times.

    All visiting media representatives to the NAC and NACC meetings are informed that security personnel at the Media site will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried on to the site. To avoid delays, media representatives must arrive in time to be able to clear the security checks. Television, wire services and radio stations that have cumbersome or bulky equipment are particularly urged to move most of it into the Media area as early as possible.

  7. Opening Hours Of The Media Centre
  8. The Media Centre will be open on:

    26 May 10:00 - 19:00
    27 May 10:00 - 19:00
    28 May 10:00 - 19:00
    29 May 07:00 - 24:00
    30 May 07:00 - 24:00

  9. Visas - Accommodation
  10. Media representatives from some countries will need a visa for entering Portugal. They should check with their local Portuguese Embassy.

    Accommodation in the area of the meetings can be arranged through the following organization (see annex):

    Congress Department
    Att: Mr. Vitor Alves
    R. Luciano Cordeiro, 116
    1050 Lisboa
    Tel: Int'l (351-1) 352 00 28
    Fax: Int'l (351-1) 352 52 85

    Media representatives wishing to reserve rooms should contact TOP TOURS directly and reserve rooms as soon as possible.

  11. Transport
  12. As parking facilities at the Media Centre are limited a shuttle service between the Media Centre and the hotels designated for media representatives will be organized. Private cars are not recommended.

  13. Pool
  14. A detailed programme and media briefing material will be available on accreditation.

    Due to the limited space, some media events can only be covered on a pool basis. Pool passes for these events will be distributed on an equitable basis at the accreditation desk from 15:00 hours on Wednesday, 28 May 1997.

    Requests for pool cards should be made when checking in at the accreditation desk. All public events will be fed back to the Media Centre, where the coverage will be shown on video monitors. This material will be available via the Radio/TV distribution system in the Media Centre and on videotape (Beta SP) as well as audio cassettes.

  15. Radio And TV
  16. Portuguese television (RTP) and Portuguese Radio (RDP) will be acting as host broadcasters for the transmission of all public events.

  17. Enquiries
  18. Accreditation:
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Organizing Commission (CAN)
    Largo das Necessidades
    1354 Lisboa Codex
    Tel: Int'l (351-1) 362 13 63
    Fax: Int'l (351-1) 362 13 47

    Radiotelevisão Portuguesa
    Av. 5 de Outubro 197
    1050 Lisboa
    Tel: Int'l (351-1) 797 75 73 / 796 32 51
    Fax: Int'l (351-1) 793 17 58

    Technical Operations
    Mr. Celso de Albuquerque
    Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, 5
    Radiotelevisão Portuguesa
    1070 Lisboa
    Tel: Int'l (351-1) 38 20 00
    Fax: Int'l (351-1) 387 39 79

Hotel Accommodation


Hotel space has been blocked by the Official Travel Agency - Top Tours, at the recommended hotels listed below, at the following reduced rates:

Nr Hotel Stars Single (Pte.) Double (Pte.)
01 Tivoli Sintra 4 22 500 24 600
02 Estalagem Muchaxo 5 16 500 17 500
03 Cidadela 4 14 200 16 700
04 Mimosa 4 10 500 14 500
05 Atlantico 4 11 000 13 700
06 Paris 3 10 000 11 000
07 Praia Mar 4 8 500 10 300
08 Londres 3 7 700 9 900
09 Grande Hotel 3 8 000 9 600
10 Aparthotel Equador 3 7 000 8 500

  • All rates are per room, per night, in Portuguese Escudos (PTE), including breakfast, all taxes and service charge.

  • These special rates are available only if booking is made and paid through Top Tours.

  • Please fill in the Hotel Reservation form (.PDF / 63Kb) and fax or mail it at your earliest convenience, but not later than 15 April, 1997

  • Reservation requests will be confirmed on a "first come, first served" basis. In case your choice is no longer available a similar alternative accommodation will be offered.

  • Full payment, or a deposit of PTE 20.000 (please specify), is required in order to confirm the booking.

  • Payment may be made by Credit Card, Bank Cheque or Bank Transfer (in this case please include or fax a copy of the banking order). Bank charges, if any, will be borne by the applicant.

  • All outstanding amounts must be fully prepaid before arrival. Upon full payment a confirmation letter/fax will be sent.

  • Cancellations received before 31 March will be refunded minus bank charges. After this date the deposit or the equivalent to two nights will be charged. After 30 April no refunds can be made.

  • In case of changes/amendments a fixed fee of PTE 2.000 will be charged in order to cover administrative and communication costs.

  • During the meetings, Top Tours will have an office at the site of the Conference in order to assist the participants.

  • Please consult the attached map for location of the Hotels (.GIF / 15Kb).

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