Press Release (96)151

31 October 1996

NATO Secretary General To Visit Italy

The Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana, will pay an official visit to Italy on Monday, 4 November 1996. During his visit, he will meet with the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence. He will also give a speech to the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) General Assembly.


Programme Of The Visit

11.30 Meeting with the Prime Minister, Mr. Romano Prodi
12.30 Meeting with the President of the Republic, Mr. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
13.15 Working lunch with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Lamberto Dini
14.30 Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Press conference.
15.45 Meeting with the Minister of Defence, Mr. Benjamino Andreatta
16.45 Speech by Secretary General to the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) General Assembly, at the Sheraton Hotel
18.30 Meeting with Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Senate
19.45 Meeting with Presidents of Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees of the House of Representatives.

This programme is subject to change. For more information on the Secretary General's visit , please contact the NATO Press and Media Service in Brussels, tel: int'l - 32-2.707.50.41. During the visit in Italy, contact the Italian Liaison Officer at NATO, Mr. Nicola de Santis: from Italy, GSM phone: int'l - 32-75-23.04.06, from Belgium GSM phone: 075-23.04.06

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