Press Release (96)149

22 October 1996

NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
"Urban Earthquake Risk Management Strategies
for the Central Asian Republics"

NATO and Cooperation Partner scientists and engineers will assess the urban seismic risk of Central Asia and design a seismic risk management strategy for the region at an Advanced Research Workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from 22nd - 25th October, 1996.

Fifty experts from NATO countries and from NATO Cooperation Partner countries will develop an action plan following seven keynote lectures and five working group discussions. The workshop will take advantage of pre-workshop studies made in each of the five Central Asian republics, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

NATO and Cooperation Partner scientists and engineers will assess the urban seismic risk of Central Asia and design a seismic risk management strategy for the region at an Advanced Research Workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from 22nd - 25th October, 1996. Fifty experts from NATO countries and from NATO Cooperation Partner countries will develop an action plan following seven keynote lectures and five working group discussions. The workshop will take advantage of pre-workshop studies made in each of the five Central Asian republics, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Co-directors of the workshop are Dr. Brian E. Tucker, GeoHazards International, Stanford, USA and Dr. Vitaly Khalturin, United Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

For further information, please contact Dr. Tucker (fax: +(1) 415 723 3624) or Dr. L. Veiga da Cunha, Director of the Priority Area on Environmental Security, NATO (fax: (32-2) 707 4232).

For more information, see NATO Science programme

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