Press Release (96)86

7 June 1996

CEP/CIMIC course

Kyiv, UKRAINE, 10-14 June 1996

From the 10th until 14th June 1996, a course on Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) and Civil- Military Cooperation (CIMIC) will be held at the Central State School of the Ukraine Civil Defence in Kyiv, Ukraine.

This course will be conducted jointly by the Civil Emergency Planning Directorate at NATO Headquarters, SHAPE, and the Civil Defence Department of Ukraine.

This course is open to participants from Ukraine and the neighbouring countries. More than 50 participants from the Ministry of Defence and various civil ministries are expected to attend the course.

The course is the first ever to be conducted in a partner country. Its aim is to introduce participants to the organisation, role and functions of Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) and to the aim, basic principles and procedures of civil-military co-operation (CIMIC) within NATO's strategic concept and to exchange relevant information from the region, i.e. Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

The course will be opened by the Head of the Ukraine Civil Defence Department, Lieutenant General V. Grechaninov.

For further information please contact Mr. R. Roepke, NATO Civil Emergency Planning Directorate, (Intl +) 32 2 707 41 37.

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