Press Release (96)61

24 April 1996

Visit of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag to NATO Hq

NATO Secretary General Javier Solana met with members of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag today, Wednesday 24 April 1996 in connection with their external meeting held at the NATO HQ.

The talks the NATO Secretary had with the German parliamentarians focused on current issues the Alliance is facing before the meetings of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) and the North Atlantic Co-operation Council (NACC) in Berlin (on 3-4 June 1996) and the meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Brussels (on 13-14 June 1996). They also concentrated on the situation in Bosnia (IFOR). The Secretary General also summed up his impressions after his most recent trips to Moscow, Kyiv and other Partner Countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

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