Press Release (96)5

Secretary General of NATO to visit IFOR
11-12 January 1996

9 January 1996

The Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana, will pay a visit to Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade to meet with political and military leaders of the respective countries and organizations. The visit will last from Thursday, 11 January, till Friday, 12 January.

During his visit, the Secretary General will meet with President Tudjman of Croatia, President Izetbegovic of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, President Milosevic of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and President Zubak of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He will also meet with the commanders and forces of the NATO-led Implementation Force charged with implementing the peace agreement for the former Yugoslavia, as well as with Mr. Carl Bildt, the High Representative responsible for coordinating the civilian aspects.

The Secretary General will give a press conference together with General Joulwan and COMIFOR in the early afternoon of Friday, 12 January, in Sarajevo. More details on this can be obtained from the Coalition Press Information Centre in Sarajevo, tel: int'l-387-71-447 612/613/606, fax: int'l-387-71-447 604.

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