PRESS RELEASE M-NACC-1(94)47             10 June 1994

                IN ISTANBUL, TURKEY

                   10 June 1994


     1.   Based on the Work Programme endorsed by NACC
Ministers at their meeting on 3rd December 1993, the
Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping has
continued its activities of consultation on political
and conceptual issues and of practical cooperation in
peacekeeping-related areas.  

     2.   The Group has developed a number of
principles and practical modalities to coordinate
closely the work of the   Ad Hoc Group with that of
the Political-Military Steering Committee (PMSC) in
the NACC/PfP format, with the objective of merging the
two groups as soon as possible.  Following this
merger, the PMSC in the NACC/PfP format will maintain
the Technical Sub-Group established by the AHG and
continue to meet with the current AHG participants
when dealing with peacekeeping.  These Principles and
modalities have been approved by the North Atlantic
Council with Cooperation Partners (NAC+). 

     3.   With regard to political and conceptual
issues, a Seminar was held in Budapest in January on
the humanitarian aspects of peacekeeping.  This was
followed by the development of a conceptual paper on
the issue, which will be considered further in the
AHG.  A Seminar, to be held on 5th-7th October 1994,
will be devoted to examining the latest conceptual
developments in the field of peacekeeping, including
aspects related to the broader framework of crisis
management and assessment of the role of institutions
and review of experiences gained so far. 
Consideration of the legal aspects of peacekeeping has
been agreed including, possibly, a Seminar on the
subject in due course.

     4.   With regard to activities of practical
cooperation, the results of the work carried out on
the basis of the programme endorsed by Ministers in
December are set out below.  

     5.   Peacekeeping Exercises:  a NACC/PfP
peacekeeping field exercise will be held in the
Netherlands during the last week of October.  On
current plans, 11 nations have confirmed their
intention to participate.  All AHG members are invited
to participate in the observer programme to the
exercise and, to date, 21 countries have signified
their intention to do so.  In addition, Poland has
offered to host a NACC/PfP peacekeeping field exercise
in the Autumn.  There is also a NACC/PfP maritime
exercise planned for the Autumn.  In addition,
cooperation has been enhanced by a number of bilateral
and multilateral exercises, and more are scheduled
this year.  Examples of this type of activity are
attached at Annex.  The Czech Republic has agreed to
make available an exercise area for a peacekeeping
exercise in 1995.  Hungary, Germany and the United
Kingdom have agreed to hold a peacekeeping exercise in
Hungary next year, with the involvement of the NATO
Military Authorities and possible participation by
other countries.

     6.   Cooperation in Planning for Peacekeeping: 
an informal open-ended expert group chaired by the
NATO Military Authorities has proposed guidelines for
peacekeeping planning, together with guidelines for
forces and capabilities required for peacekeeping,
aided by the development of generic peacekeeping
scenarios.  The initial results of this work will
shortly be considered by the TSG.

     7.   Development of a Common Technical Base in
Peacekeeping - Communications:  an expert group led by
the Netherlands is pursuing the possibility of
developing a Communications Equipment Database and a
Communications Concept in support of peacekeeping.  It
is also considering options for the design of the
communications database and is seeking to harmonise
all of its work with efforts on Command and Control
aspects of peacekeeping. 

     8.   Command and Control:  the UK has circulated
a paper on Command and Control Guidelines for
Multinational Peacekeeping Operations and has
scheduled a workshop in the UK, 5th-8th July 1994, to
discuss the matter.

     9. Peacekeeping Training and Education:  under
the lead of Denmark, efforts are being made to
exchange and collate information on national
peacekeeping training (courses, reference material,
concepts, methods, standards) with the aim, where
possible, to coordinate and streamline training
activities among AHG members.  In addition, the SHAPE
School last month conducted the first of two
peacekeeping courses scheduled for 1994 with
participation from many Cooperation Partner countries. 
A peacekeeping Unit Commanders' course is currently
taking place in the Czech Republic, as a follow-up to
the successful course conducted in 1993.  A
Commanders/ Managerial course on peacekeeping will
take place in Poland on 13th-17th June.

     10.  Logistics Aspects of Peacekeeping:  in the
field of peacekeeping logistics, the Seminar held in
Norway last November has been followed by a workshop
on peacekeeping logistics for key logisticians at NATO
Headquarters earlier this month.

     11.  Austria, Finland and Sweden have attended
meetings of the AHG as observers, actively
participating in its practical activities and
contributing on the basis of their specific
experience.  Recently, Ireland was also invited, at
its request, to attend meetings of the AHG as
observer. Representatives of the CSCE Chairman-in-
Office also continued to participate actively in the
work of the AHG, with a view to ensuring efficient
coordination of CSCE and AHG activities in the field
of peacekeeping.  The UN also participated in one of
the meetings of the TSG.


          The following are examples provided by a
number of nations of currently planned or scheduled
bilateral and multilateral peacekeeping-related
exercises for 1994 involving members of the NACC Ad
Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping.  The content
of the list may be subject to change.



POLAND, UNITED KINGDOM   May       Company level land

FRANCE, CZECH REPUBLIC   1-15      Land exercise in
                         June      the Czech Republic

ESTONIA, LATVIA,         13-15     Command post
LITHUANIA (JOINT BALTIC  July      exercises in
PEACEKEEPING BATTALION)            Lithuania
CZECH REPUBLIC,          Sep       Platoon level land
NETHERLANDS                        exercise

POLAND, UNITED KINGDOM   Sep       Company level
                                   parachute exercise

HUNGARY, UNITED KINGDOM  Oct       Company level land

DENMARK, GERMANY,        Oct/Nov   Engineer exercise
NETHERLANDS, POLAND,               "Carbon Gap" at
UNITED KINGDOM                      platoon level
POLAND, NETHERLANDS      Oct/Nov   Platoon level

DENMARK, GERMANY, POLAND Oct/Nov   Land exercise in
(BALTIC STATES observe)            Jutland

FRANCE, GERMANY, POLAND  Nov       Land exercise with
                                   participation of
                                   Brigade and a
                                   Polish company

GERMANY, RUSSIA          Autumn    Phase I (study
                                   period) of a
                                   3-stage exercise
                                   leading to
                                   Phase III (CPX) in

ALBANIA, BULGARIA,       Late 94   Medical Exercises,
UNITED STATES                      Central & Eastern     
                                   Europe (MEDCEUR),     
                                   medical assistance    


BELGIUM, DENMARK,        6-10      Baltic Operations
                         June      (BALTOPS) maritime
ESTONIA, FINLAND,                  exercise

BULGARIA, ROMANIA        24-29     BREEZE 94, naval
UNITED STATES            July      exercise in Black Sea

DENMARK, GERMANY, POLAND Sep       Mine-Sweeping
                                   exercise in Baltic

GERMANY, RUSSIA          To be     PASSEX, naval
                                   exercise in
                                   confirmed Baltic Sea


UNITED STATES, and       Summer,   Opportunity to
open to observers        Autumn    observe Joint Task    
                                   Force (JTF)
                                   PROVIDE PROMISE
                                   planning and          

(Possible)UNITED STATES  To be     Search and Rescue
and OTHERS                         exercise confirmed