
October 1997

Chapter 16: Medical Support

Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services in NATO (COMEDS)

1606. Established by MC 335, COMEDS is the senior medical advisory committee reporting directly to the MC. It is comprised of the Surgeons General of each of the Alliance nations, the Surgeons of each Major NATO Command (MNC), and representatives or observers from the International Military Staff (IMS), the Military Agency for Standardization (MAS), and the Joint Medical Committee (JMC). It acts in coordination with the Senior NATO Logisticians' Conference (SNLC), as a central point responsible for the development and coordination of military medical policies in NATO. The Committee is organized into a Plenary and nine working groups, the latter of which are divided along topical lines: emergency medicine, military preventive medicine, food hygiene and veterinary medicine, dental services, military training, military pharmacy and medical materiel, military psychiatry, military medical research, and military medical structures operations and procedures.

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