October 1997
Chapter 12: Host Nation Support
1201. Alliance Reinforcement Planning calls for the
early deployment of the maximum combat power. This strategy
is workable only if the Host Nations make the support available
to accomplish the elements of reinforcement plans. This support
has been extended, in recent years, to include the provision
of manpower, equipment, supplies and services, as well as
facilities for storage. Nations and NATO authorities have a
collective responsibility to support NATO operations, and must
cooperatively arrange adequate HNS of Alliance forces in peace, crisis and conflict.
1202. Major NATO Commands (MNCs) have the
responsibility to ensure that HNS agreements fulfil NATO
operational requirements and enhance the combat readiness of
committed forces, without reducing the combat potential of the Host
Nation itself. The correct balance depends on complex and
delicate negotiations, but adequate and timely arrangements
add immeasurably to the effectiveness of logistic support.
1203. In 1992, the Senior NATO Logisticians' Conference
(SNLC) recognized that HNS planning could no longer be considered
a purely national concern. The Alliance's Strategic Concept
places great importance on multinational operations which require
that the NATO Commander be involved in support planning and
be given the authority to co-ordinate planning where necessary.
The SNLC produced MC 319, NATO Principles and Policies for
Logistics, recently updated and republished as MC 319/1. This
policy document conferred upon the NATO Commander key
authorities in the area of logistics, to include HNS. The SNLC further
defined the NATO Commander's HNS authorities, producing MC
334, NATO Principles and Policies for HNS Planning, aproved by
the Military Committee (MC) in April1994. MC 334 is undergoing
an update and is expected to be issued as soon as MC334/1.