
October 1997

Chapter 11: Civil Emergency Planning


1101. NATO's strategic concept places great importance on military readiness, and the use of civil resources. Civil support is vital to NATO logistics. The ships, aircraft and vehicles controlled by NATO's armed forces provide only a fraction of the transport capacity that might be needed in crisis or war. The balance will have to come from civil sources, as will much of the fuel, food, medical facilities and industrial goods that are needed.

1102. NATO's strategy is based upon the three mutually reinforcing elements of Allied security policy: dialogue, cooperation and the maintenance of a collective defence capability. The aims and activities of national and NATO Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) reflect the new political situation and the Alliance's Strategic Concept. While CEP activities at both the national and NATO level will continue to support each of the aims set out below, priority will be accorded to those activities in support of NATO's overall crisis prevention and management arrangements, as well as support of, and cooperation with, the military in peace, crisis and war. Whilst CEP remains primarily a national responsibility, CEP is essential to the implementation of NATO's strategy and the actions of the Alliance must be based upon maximum cooperation between capitals and NATO.

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