
October 1997

Chapter 6: Logistic Support for Partnership for Peace (PfP)

Annex A

PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) Logistic Interoperability Objectives (IOs)(1)

The following IOs are related to logistics:

Logistic Doctrine and Procedures
Logistic Command and Control
Logistic Reporting
Centralized Contracting/Reimbursement Procedures
Logistic Sustainability of Units
Supply Standards and Equipment Availability - Land
ADP Support - Logistics
Medical Support
Medical Standards in Search and Rescue
Blood and Blood Donor Procedures
Aeromedical Evacuation
Replenishment in Harbour
Replenishment at Sea (Liquid)
Replenishment at Sea (Solid)
Fuel Standards
Fuel Handling for Land Vehicles
Ground Fuel Handling for Aircraft
Air-to-Air Refuelling
Self-sufficient Potable Water Supply and Water Installations
Cargo Handling and Transportation
Auxiliary Electric Power Generation Systems
Movement Planning


  1. As of March 1997

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