Updated: 31-Oct-2000 Ministerial Communiqus


31 May 1995

Areas for Pursuance of a Broad, Enhanced NATO/Russia Dialogue and Cooperation

Areas for Pursuance of a Broad, Enhanced NATO/Russia dialogue and cooperation in a transparent manner and in accordance with the attached Summary of Conclusions of 22nd June 1994.

SECTION I. Sharing of information on issues regarding politico-security related matters having a European dimension.

  1. Basic information about NATO's and Russian Federation's role in European security.

  2. Specific issues of importance to European security, including evolving concepts of national security, military doctrines/strategies and the European architecture of security .

  3. Preventive diplomacy and approaches to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and crisis management taking into account the role and responsibility of the UN and OSCE and the work of these organisations in these fields.

  4. Conversion of defence industries.

  5. Transparency of defence budgets.

Methods of sharing of information

  1. Dialogue through ad hoc "16 + 1" discussions in the North Atlantic Council and Political Committee as appropriate (timing and topic(s) to be agreed in advance).

  2. Strengthening the NATO Contact Embassy in Moscow for the purpose of reinforcing information NATO activities.

  3. Enhancement of information activities and contacts aimed at both civil and military audiences, including beyond official circles.

  4. Contacts and exchange of information between the officers of International Staff and International Military Staff and Russian Embassy.

  5. Exchange of views, briefings on significant developments in Alliance and Russian military doctrine and strategy.

  6. Exchange of information and visits among civil and military specialists on defence expenditures, budgeting, defence conversion and related economic questions.

Section II. Political consultations on issues of common concern

  1. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear proliferation, implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and strengthening of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

  2. Nuclear safety issues, prevention of the nuclear pollution of the sea,safe dismantlement of nuclear weapons and prevention of smuggling and illicit traffic in nuclear materials.

  3. Specific crises in Europe.

Methods of consultation

  1. Ad hoc "16 + 1" discussions in the North Atlantic Council, Political Committee or other appropriate Alliance fora (timing and topic(s) to be agreed in advance).

  2. Informal and instructed consultations.

  3. Exchange of high level visits and other appropriate visits.

Section III. Co-operation in a range of security-related issues including, as appropriate, in the peacekeeping field.

  1. Peacekeeping.

  2. Ecological security, including elimination of after-effects of military activities and disposition of dangerous materials.

  3. Agreed aspects of civilian science and technology policy, including in the science/environment field.

  4. Humanitarian aspects.

Methods of co-operation

  1. Informal and instructed ad hoc meetings in "16 + 1" format (timing and topic(s) to be agreed in advance).

  2. Co-operation and consultations, as appropriate, on specific peacekeeping operations mandated by the UN or the OSCE.

  3. Joint exploration of feasibility and practical implementation, if possible, of pilot projects, seminars, collaborative research between Alliance and Russian specialists.

  4. Consultations and co-operation by agreement on responding the humanitarian aid requirements in specific emergency situations.

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