Updated: 31-Oct-2000 Ministerial Communiqus

of the North

2 Dec. 1994


List of Specific Items subsumed
under Agreed Topics and Activities

The Annex is complementary to the Work Plan and contains a list of specific and detailed proposals of particular interest to one or several partners or Allies. These are an elaboration of some general topics and activities included in the Work Plan for the attention by relevant fora. The Annex is not intended to be exhaustive or comprehensive. It is understood that these proposals will be carried out in harmony with the ongoing work in other fora, including in the CSCE and the Council of Europe.

Political and Security-Related Matters

  1. Possible sub-topics could include: "Conflicts and issues arising from ethnic and minority problems affecting security in a changing Europe".
    (Topic l) 1

Economic Issues

A. Defence Conversion (Including its Human Dimension)

  1. Sub-topic might include: "Problem of the human factor in the defence conversion process in regions endangered by unemployment".
    (Topic l)

  2. Possible topics for discussion at the enlarged Economic Committee might be:

    • internal migration from Defence to other sectors of the economy;
    • intellectual property rights in connection with industry restructuring and defence conversion;
    (Activity 4)

  3. Possible topics for workshops/seminars on defence conversion might be:

    • International seminar on "Demilitarization & Disarmament in Transition: Socio-Economic Consequences", Minsk, February 1995; Principal sponsor in Belarus: Ministry of Economy;

    • International seminar on "Defence Conversion in East European Countries: Problems & Prospects", Minsk, 1995; Principal sponsor in Belarus: Ministry of Defence;

    • Symposium on the possibilities of harmonising conversion strategies to be held in Budapest, Hungary, in the second half of 1995;

    • Seminar on partnership experiences of conversion, to be held in 1995 in Poland.
    (Activity 3)

  4. Possible subjects include:

    • Exchange of experiences in conversion of factories and scientific centres of Defence Industrial Base (DIB);

    • Meeting of experts for exchange of views and working out proposals on conversion.
    (Topic 3)


  1. Possible themes for future discussion under priority areas of the Science Committee might be:

    • Disarmament technologies: scientific problems related to disarmament technologies including the disposal of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and defence industry conversion;

    • Environmenta] security: scientific problems related to the environment including the reclamation of contaminated military sites, regional environmental problems and natural and man-made disasters;

    • High technology: scientific problems related to high technology including information science, materials science, biotechnology and energy conservation and supply (non-nuclear);

    • Science and technology policy: problems related to human resources including science policy, technology transfer, innovation, management, intellectual property rights and career mobility (e.g. the rede- ployment of defence-industry scientists);

    • Computer networking: strategies to enhance the scientific dialogue between NATO countries and Cooperation Partner countries using computer networking.
    (Topic l)

  2. Possible topics for ASI and ARW meetings might include:

    • International seminar on "Role of International Scientific & Technical Cooperation in Supporting the Development of Science in Medium & Small-Size European Countries", Minsk, 1995; Principal sponsor in Belarus: Ministry of Education & Science.
    (Activity 4)

Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS)

  1. Pilot study topics to be pursued include:

    • Environmental aspects of reusing former military lands

    • Protecting civil populations from toxic matelial spills during movements of military goods

    • Cross-border environmental problems emanating from defence-related installations and activities

    • Defence environmental expectations

    • Management of industrial toxic wastes and substance research

    • Air pollution transport and diffusion over coastal urban areas

    • Deprived urban areas

    • Evaluation of dernonstrated and emerging remedial action Technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater

    • Indoor air quality (Phase II)

    • Methodology, focalisation, evaluation and scope of the environmental impact assessment

    • New agricultural technologies

    • Pollution prevention strategies for sustainable development

    • Use of simulators as a means of reducing environmental damage caused by military activities
    (Activity 4)

  2. Possible new pilot study topics include the following:

    • Seismic protection of installations that are high risk as sources of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination as a result of fires, floods, explosions etc.;

    • Seismic protection of buildings and installations supporting vital services such as rnedical, water, and energy supply systems;

    • Environmental considerations in the restructuring of economic and defence activities;

    • Prevention, simulation and management of nuclear accidents resulting from earthquakes in general or accidental coolant loss in particular;

    • Treatment of naval base oil-contaminated wastewater;

    • Defence-related communication and transport systems.
    (Activity 5)

  1. The possible following topics for co-sponsored seminars would be forwarded to the appropriate NATO bodies for consideration according to agreed procedures:

    • Seminar on Romanian-Hungarian experiences in implementing the Open Skies bilateral agreement to take place in Romania in 1995;

    • Seminar on "the National Security Policy of Romania within the present European and regional geo-strategic environment";

    • International seminar "Terrorism & Organised Crime: New Threats to International & National Security", Minsk, April 1995; Principal sponsor in Belarus: Development & Security Research Institute;

    • International Seminar "Formation of Civil Society in Post-Totalitarian Countries & Problems of Democratic Control of Armed Forces", Minsk, 1995, principal sponsor in Belarus: National Institute of Humanities.
    (Activity 7)


  1. The topics and activities shown in paranthesis at the end of each paragraph refer to the topics and activities listed in the Work Plan.

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