Updated: 31-Oct-2000 Ministerial Communiqus

at the
of the

3 Dec. 1993

AHG Work Programme - 1994

Annex To 3rd December 1993 Report To Ministers

  1. Development of a Common Understanding of Operational Concepts and Requirements for Peacekeeping.
  2. Actions:

    1. To exchange national concepts and doctrine on peacekeeping within the Ad Hoc Group.
    2. To hold a seminar in Brussels on 27th-29th April 1994 on conceptual aspects of peacekeeping.
    3. To exchange experiences in peacekeeping, taking into account experience in recent operations, making use, inter alia, of all available opportunities of meetings of high level military representatives. The second such exchange could take place during the meeting of Chiefs of Defense Staff in Co-operation Session on 27th April 1994.
    4. Enhanced co-operation with non-NACC CSCE states on the basis of agreed principles.

  3. Co-operation in Planning for Peacekeeping Activities
  4. Actions:

    Technical Sub-Group develops planning guidelines and guidelines on forces/capabilities required for peacekeeping, aided by generic peacekeeping scenarios, including military and civil aspects.

  5. Development of a Common Technical Basis in Peacekeeping
  6. Actions:

    1. Further work on communications for peacekeeping operations, building on the workshop held in The Hague last May.
    2. Exchange of views among nations to identify key interoperability issues as a basis for cooperation as regards command and control, standard operating procedures and rules of engagement, and in equipment areas such as: IFF, transportation, POL, ammunition, vehicle repair and tactical information.

  7. Peacekeeping Training, Education and Exercise
  8. Actions:

    1. To conduct the following specific activities:

      • first joint peacekeeping exercises. Modalities and conduct of such exercises will be developed by the NATO and national military authorities and be submitted to the Ad Hoc Group in early 1994;
      • a two-week course for unit commanders on peacekeeping at Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic to be held at the end of May;
      • a seminar on the humanitarian aspects of peacekeeping in Budapest, Hungary - 26th-28th January 1994 - and its follow- on activities;
      • commander-managerial courses on preparation of contingents for peacekeeping operations - based on the Military Training Center for UN Peacekeeping in Kielce, Poland;
      • two courses on peacekeeping for staff officers (major to colonel) or civilian equivalents at the NATO School (SHAPE) in Oberammergau, Germany, from 23rd-27th May and 3rd-7th October 1994 as a follow-up to the course that was held from 8th-11th November 1992.

    2. Participation by civilian and military personnel from states participating in the NATO Ad Hoc Group on Co-operation in Peacekeeping in national peacekeeping training activities, including schools, courses, field programmes and activities under A above.
    3. Establishment of a clearing house function for exchange of information on national capabilities, training courses, training materials, etc. for peacekeeping, building on among other things the Copenhagen Seminar this past November.
    4. Exchange of instructors from peacekeeping training centres in states participating in the NACC AHG on Co-operation in Peacekeeping.
    5. Follow-up actions from the US workshop on exercises.

  9. Logistics Aspects of Peacekeeping
  10. Actions:

    1. Follow-up actions from the Norwegian Logistics Peacekeeping Seminar.
    2. Meetings of logistics experts to focus on logistics for peacekeeping operations, to include discussion of available arrangements and resources in NATO and partner countries.
    3. Follow-on actions resulting from above.
    4. To conduct and assist in training on the new UN Manual for Logistics Support for Peacekeeping Operations (Spring '94).

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