- The North Atlantic Council met with the participation
of Heads of State and Government in Washington on 30th and
31st May, 1978.
- Since its inception the Alliance has served to
guarantee security, enhance co-operation and cohesion and
promote peace. Its fundamental vitality lies in the fact
that all Allied countries enjoy democratic systems of
government. The Allies remain convinced that these systems
provide the most humane and effective means of organizing
society to deal with the challenges of the modern world.
They reaffirmed the central role of the Alliance as the
guardian of their collective security and renewed their
pledge to consult with one another about the common
goals and purposes of the Alliance for the years ahead.
- The Allied leaders noted that their meeting follows
a year of intense activity, analysis and reassessment
aimed at ensuring that the Alliance can meet future tasks.
In particular, the Allies have successfully undertaken the
study and implementation of the decisions and initiatives
taken in common at the Council's meeting in London last
- The fresh study of long-term trends in East-West
relations, decided upon in London, had confirmed the
continuing validity of the two complementary aims of the
Alliance, to maintain security and pursue détente. Based
on an examination of the situation and trends in the USSR
and the other Warsaw Pact countries, the Councils study
concludes that members of the Alliance must maintain their
solidarity and their vigilance, and keep their
defences at the level rendered necessary by the Warsaw
Pact's offensive capabilities, while, at the same time,
striving to promote détente. The study had also confirmed
that relations between the Allies and the Warsaw Pact
countries have become more extensive, but that
serious causes of tension still persist.
- The Allied leaders noted with concern the repeated
instances in which the Soviet Union and some of its allies
have exploited situations of instability and regional
conflict in the developing world. Disregard for the
indivisibility of détente cannot but jeopardise the
further improvement of East-West relations. They also
emphasised however, that these situations should not be
viewed exclusively in an East-West context and reaffirmed
the importance they attach to encouraging peaceful
settlements through negotiation by the countries and
regional organizations themselves.
- The Allies reviewed the developments concerning
Berlin and Germany as a whole. They noted that since the
Ministerial Meeting in December 1977, the situation
in and around Berlin had been generally without
serious disturbance, but that the difficulties had
persisted in certain important fields. They reaffirmed the
previously stated positions of the Alliance, particularly
the conviction that the strict observance and full
implementation of all provisions of the Quadripartite
Agreement of 3rd September, 1971 are essential for the
promotion of détente, the maintenance of security and the
development of co-operation throughout Europe.
- The Allies remain determined to pursue as
constructive and positive a relationship as possible with
the Soviet Union and the other East European countries,
which they see as being essential to international peace.
They reaffirmed their view that closer contact and
understanding should be further encouraged, with a view to
enlarging the basis for a more genuine and lasting détente.
- The Allies remain convinced that full
implementation of the CSCE Final Act is of essential
importance to the improvement of East-West relations. The
Allies welcomed the thorough review of implementation
which took place in Belgrade, and noted that human rights
and humanitarian questions have been confirmed as
legitimate areas of concern to the international community.
They recalled that all participating states reaffirmed
their resolve to implement the Helsinki Final Act in
full and their will to continue the multilateral process
initiated by the CSCE. They regretted, however, that the
Belgrade meeting did not have a more substantial
outcome; they stressed the importance of better
implementation of all the provisions of the Final Act so
that, by the time of the Madrid meeting in 1980, the review
of implementation will show that significant improvement
has been made not only in relations between states, but
also in the lives of individuals. In this respect, they
found it incompatible with the Final Act and with détente
that the Soviet Union and some other Eastern European
countries fail to recognise the right of their citizens to
act upon the provisions of the Helsinki document without
being subjected to repressive measures.
- The Allied leaders reiterated their determination
to work vigorously for a more effective and equitable
world economic system. The governments of the Allied
countries, by their long-standing efforts in extending aid
to the developing countries, have demonstrated the
importance they attach to this objective. They call upon
the Warsaw Pact countries to participate fully in this
- International co-operation in the fields of science
and technology and of the environment can likewise
contribute to a better world. In this respect, Allied
leaders noted with satisfaction the achievements of the
NATO Science Committee, which recently celebrated its 20th
Anniversary, and of the Committee on the Challenges of
Modern Society.
- Having in mind the provisions of Article 2 of the
North Atlantic Treaty the Allied leaders recognise the
great importance of securing a sound basis for the further
improvement of the economic and social conditions of their
peoples. Difficulties in maintaining a sufficient and
sustained economic growth are affecting the ability of some
members of the Alliance to maintain an effective defence
effort. In addition to Allied assistance and co-operation
in the defence field, those countries also need economic
assistance and co-operation aimed at helping them in their
development programmes and in the improvement of the living
standards of their peoples. To this end, the Secretary
General was invited to conduct a study, taking into account
existing efforts by Allied members bilaterally and in
other international fora, and to report to the Council
on the way in which this problem could be addressed.
- The Allies noted with satisfaction the meeting
of the Prime Ministers of Greece and Turkey. They
expressed the hope that this dialogue on bilateral
questions will contribute to the solution of the
differences between the two countries.
- The Allies reaffirmed the importance they attach
to the strengthening of cohesion and solidarity
especially in the South Eastern flank. They expressed
the hope that existing problems will be resolved, and that
full co-operation among members of the Alliance in all
aspects of the defence field would be resumed.
- Having considered the situation in the Middle East,
the Allied leaders expressed the hope that efforts
aiming at a comprehensive settlement in the area would
continue. They urged all parties concerned to redouble
their efforts to reach a just and lasting peace.
- The efforts by the Allies to reduce tensions between
East and West and to discourage attempts to use military
power for political ends, can only be successfully pursued
in the context of a stable military balance. Such a balance
would ensure that they can pursue their détente policies
in safety and with confidence.
- The Allied leaders expressed their concern at
the continual expansion of Warsaw Pact offensive
capabilities. Faced with this situation, and
notwithstanding Soviet statements that these massive
military resources are not designed to threaten the
security of the Allied countries, the latter have no
option but to continue two complementary approaches:
on the one hand, strengthen their defensive
capabilities and on the other, seek to promote negotiations
on arms control and disarmament agreements. The Allies will
continue to follow the latter approach whenever possible,
but progress in this direction necessarily depends on a
positive attitude on the part of the Warsaw Pact countries.
- The Allied leaders recognised that effective and
verifiable limitation of arms, aimed in particular
at correcting the existing imbalances in Europe in the
conventional field is an indispensable condition for a
durable improvement in East-West relations and for the
consolidation of peace.
- The Allied leaders discussed the US-USSR
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. They welcomed progress
made in the negotiations and expressed support for US
efforts to conclude an agreement which is responsive to the
security interests and concerns of the Alliance and which
enhances strategic stability and maintains deterrence.
- With respect to Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions,
the Allies who participate in the negotiations in Vienna
reaffirmed their commitment to these negotiations which
they first proposed at the Ministerial Meeting in Reykjavik
ten years ago, and their determination to bring them to
a successful conclusion. They confirmed their
endorsement of the agreed objective of the negotiations to
contribute to a more stable relationship and the
strengthening of peace and security in Europe. This
objective would be achieved by their proposal to create
approximate parity in ground forces in the area of
reductions through the establishment of a common collective
ceiling on ground force manpower and the reduction of the
disparity in tanks.
They called attention to the important new initiative
which they introduced into the negotiations on 19th April,
to which they now look for a serious and constructive
response from the Warsaw Pact participants. These
Allies consider that the data discussion in Vienna is an
essential element in the efforts towards a satisfactory
outcome and that the clarification of the data base is
therefore decisive for substantial progress in the
These Allies state that they will propose that a meeting
of the negotiations at Foreign Minister level should
be convened at an appropriate date once substantial
progress has been made in the negotiations and it is
clear that a meeting at this level could contribute
effectively to the early conclusion of a mutually
satisfactory agreement.
- The Allies welcomed the United Nations Special
Session on Disarmament. They expressed their resolve to
participate in it constructively and their hope that this
important conference would produce substantial results.
Allied leaders agreed that the destructiveness of modern
weaponry, the danger of the proliferation of nuclear
weapons, the needs of the developing countries and the
requirements of their own societies make co-operation on
a wide range of disarmament and arms control issues an
urgent task for all countries. Progress in this direction
cannot but contribute to international prosperity and make
easier the necessary growth in financial resources
devoted to development. The Allies reaffirmed their
determination to persevere, through negotiation, in the
pursuit of realistic and verifiable disarmament and
arms control measures that enhance stability, reduce force
levels and promote security. To these ends, they agreed to
make fuller use of the Alliance machinery for thorough
consultation on arms control and disarmament issues.
- Until such time as it proves possible to achieve a
satisfactory military balance at lower levels of forces
through realistic and verifiable force reduction
agreements, the Allies will continue to devote all the
resources necessary to modernize and strengthen their own
forces to the extent required for deterrence and defence.
They will continue the efforts they have undertaken to
preserve and promote the strong industrial and technical
capability which is essential to the defence of the
Alliance as a whole. The provision of new and existing
generations of weaponry will require the most effective use
of defence resources and deepened co-operation in
armaments. In this connection, the Allies welcomed the
steps that had been taken pursuant to the initiative agreed
in London on the intensification of the Transatlantic
Dialogue. The Allies are convinced that the effectiveness
of their forces can be increased through enhanced
interoperability and standardization of equipment and
defence equipment planning procedures.
- Against the background of the study of long-term
trends in East-West relations and other matters affecting
Western security, leaders of states taking part in the
integrated defence structure of the Alliance considered
on 31st May a report on the Long-Term Defence
Programme prepared by their Defence Ministers, which had
been commissioned at the London Summit Meeting in May 1977.
- They noted with approval that emphasis was placed in
the Long-Term Defence Programme on greater co-operative
efforts and on the need for NATO co-ordinated defence
planning to be projected into the longer term. The
leaders of these states endorsed specific programmes
approved by Defence Ministers to improve the readiness of
NATO's forces and the mobilization of reserves, to
strengthen NATO's air defences, to counter the electronic
warfare threat, to enhance NATO's maritime posture, to
provide more effective logistic support for all NATO
forces, and to improve NATO's command, control and
communications arrangements. They approved programmes
designed to accelerate the movement of significant
reinforcements to the forward areas in a time of crisis,
envisaging the commitment of civil air, sea, land and
national infrastructure resources; and they welcomed in
particular the United States intention to preposition heavy
equipment for three additional United States divisions in
the Central Region of Allied Command Europe by 1982,
recognising the need for European Allies to provide the
necessary support and other facilities. They also noted
with interest the work underway in the Nuclear Planning
Group towards meeting needs for the modernization
of theatre nuclear forces.
- These Allied leaders noted with satisfaction
that almost all countries had indicated their intention
to adjust their financial plans for defence in
accordance with the aim, established in the 1977
Ministerial Guidance, of an annual increase in defence
expenditure in the region of 3% in real terms. They also
stressed the importance of achieving the most effective
return from resources made available or planned for
defence by the achievement of a greater degree of
co-operation and rationalization; they welcomed the
emphasis placed in the Long-Term Defence Programme on this
- They expressed their support for the Long-Term
Defence Programme forwarded by their Defence
Ministers, as a major contribution towards adapting
NATO's forces to the changing needs of the 1980s. They
called for vigorous follow-through action to be taken by
national authorities and at NATO and international military
headquarters. In this connection, Turkey pointed out the
importance to her participation of sufficient support from
her Allies as well as of the complete removal of existing
restrictions on the procurement of defence equipment.
- In taking these decisions, these Allied leaders
concluded that, in the absence of equitable arms control
and disarmament agreements, a satisfactory balance in
strategic, theatre nuclear and conventional terms could
only be assured by greater efforts to modernize and
strengthen the military capacity of the Alliance. They
stressed that the maintenance of security is indispensable
for the continued freedom, individual liberty and welfare
of their societies and for the furthering of détente.