Updated: 23-Oct-2000 Ministerial Communiqus


Nov. 1968

Final Communiqué

Chairman: Mr. M. Brosio.


International situation following Warsaw Pact armed intervention in Czechoslovakia - Bearing on Germany - Berlin - Mediterranean - Warning to the USSR.

DPC reassesses NATO's integrated defence (14th November) and approves specific measures.

  1. The North Atlantic Council met in Ministerial session in Brussels on 15th and 16th November. The meeting was attended by Foreign, Defence and Finance Ministers. The Council had moved forward from mid-December its normal year-end meeting so that Ministers might discuss at an earlier date the serious situation following the armed intervention in Czechoslovakia and the occupation of that country by forces of the Soviet Union and of four of its Warsaw Pact Allies.

  2. Ministers reaffirmed the inviolability of the principle, which has been invoked on numerous occasions by every country, including the USSR, that all nations are independent and that consequently any intervention by one state in the affairs of another is unlawful.

    They noted that this principle has been deliberately violated by the Soviet leaders with the backing of four of their allies. World opinion has been profoundly shocked by this armed intervention carried out against the wishes of the Government and people of Czechoslovakia. All the members of the Alliance have denounced this use of force which jeopardizes peace and international order and strikes at the principles of the United Nations Charter. Like all other peoples, the people of Czechoslovakia must be free to shape their future without outside interference. Agreements concluded under the pressure of occupying forces can provide no justification for challenging this basic concept.

  3. The contention of the Soviet leadership that there exists a right of intervention in the affairs of other states deemed to be within a so-called "Socialist Commonwealth" runs counter to the basic principles of the United Nations Charter, is dangerous to European security and has inevitably aroused grave anxieties. It gives rise to fears of a further use of force in other cases.

    The use of force and the stationing in Czechoslovakia of Soviet forces not hitherto deployed there have aroused grave uncertainty about the situation and about the calculations and intentions of the USSR. This uncertainty demands great vigilance on the part of the Allies.

  4. Applied to Germany the policies which the USSR derives from its doctrine of a so-called "Socialist Commonwealth" raise new obstacles to the rapprochement and ultimate unification of the two parts of Germany. Moreover, they would be contrary to the letter and spirit of the Four Power agreements relating to Germany as a whole.

    In this situation, and bearing in mind the special responsibilities of the United States, the United Kingdom and France, the Ministers reaffirm the determination of the Alliance to persevere in its efforts to contribute to a peaceful solution of the German question based on the free decision of the German people and on the interests of European security. Their Governments do not recognize the "GDR", and they reject all claims which would tend to perpetuate the division of Germany against the will of the German people.

    Referring to their communique issued in Reykjavik on 25th June, 1968, the Ministers confirm the support of their Governments for the declared determination of the Three Powers to safeguard Berlin's security and to maintain freedom of access to the city. They recall the declaration of the North Atlantic Council of December 16, 1958 on Berlin and the responsibilities which each Member State assumed with regard to the security and welfare of Berlin. They note with satisfaction the important measures taken by the Federal Republic of Germany in conformity with the status of Berlin for the purpose of maintaining the viability of the city. They associate themselves with the position of the Three Powers as regards the legitimate concern of the Federal Government for the welfare and viability of Berlin and as regards the resulting ties which exist between the two on the basis of the arrangements in force.

    The Ministers associate themselves with the call made upon the Soviet Union by the Three Powers to respect the quadripartite agreements concerning Berlin and the decisions taken pursuant to these agreements by the United States, France and the United Kingdom.

  5. The new uncertainties resulting from recent Soviet actions also extend to the Mediterranean basin. This situation requires that the Allies continue by every available means their efforts to promote stability and a just and equitable peace, as well as mutual co-operation and understanding, in the area. The expansion of Soviet activity in the Mediterranean, including the increased presence of Soviet naval units, requires vigilance to safeguard allied security.

  6. The members of the Alliance urge the Soviet Union, in the interests of world peace, to refrain from using force and interfering in the affairs of other states.

    Determined to safeguard the freedom and independence of their countries, they could not remain indifferent to any development which endangers their security.

    Clearly any Soviet intervention directly or indirectly affecting the situation in Europe or in the Mediterranean would create an international crisis with grave consequences.

  7. So long as the Soviet leaders adhere to a policy of force, these new uncertainties will remain. The Allies are convinced that their political solidarity remains indispensable to discourage aggression and other forms of oppression. Above all, they stand wholly determined to meet their common responsibilities and, in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty, to defend the members of the Alliance against any armed attack.

  8. The Allies participating in NATO's integrated defence program have, therefore, been obliged to re-assess the state of their defences. They consider that the situation arising from recent events calls for a collective response. The quality, effectiveness, and deployment of NATO's forces will be improved in terms of both manpower and equipment in order to provide a better capability for defence as far forward as possible. The quality of reserve forces will also be improved and their ability to mobilize rapidly will be increased. Renewed attention will be directed to the provision of reinforcements for the flanks and the strengthening of local forces there. The conventional capability of NATO's tactical air forces will be increased. Certain additional national units will be committed to the Major NATO Commanders. Specific measures have been approved within these categories of action for improving the conventional capability of NATO's forces. Ministers agreed that the co-ordinated implementation of these measures and the provision of additional budgetary resources to the extent necessary to support them would form part of the NATO Force Plan for 1969-1973 which will be submitted in January 1969. They also acknowledged that the solidarity of the Alliance can be strengthened by co-operation between members to alleviate burdens arising from balance of payments deficits resulting specifically from military expenditures for the collective defence.

  9. A year ago Ministers affirmed in the Report on the Future Tasks of the Alliance that, while maintaining adequate military strength and political solidarity to deter any aggressor, the Alliance should work to promote a policy of détente. The Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia has seriously set back hopes of settling the outstanding problems which still divide the European continent and Germany and of establishing peace and security in Europe, and threatens certain of the results already achieved in the field of détente. Indeed, in view of the action of the five members of the Warsaw Pact, the scope and level of Allied contacts with them have had to be reduced.

  10. More specifically, prospects for mutual balanced force reductions have suffered a severe set back. Nevertheless, the Allies in close consultations are continuing their studies and preparations for a time when the atmosphere for fruitful discussions is more favorable.

  11. In any event, consistent with Western values the political goal remains that of secure, peaceful and mutually beneficial relations between East and West. The Allies are determined to pursue this goal, bearing in mind that the pursuit of détente must not be allowed to split the Alliance. The search for peace requires progress, consistent with Western security, in the vital fields of disarmament and arms control and continuing efforts to resolve the fundamental issues which divide East and West.

  12. The North Atlantic Alliance will continue to stand as the indispensable guarantor of security and the essential foundation for the pursuit of European reconciliation. By its constitution the Alliance is of indefinite duration. Recent events have further demonstrated that its continued existence is more than ever necessary. The Foreign Minister of France recalled that, for its part, unless events in the years to come were to bring about a radical change in East-West relations, the French Government considers that the Alliance must continue as long as it appears to be necessary.

  13. The next Ministerial Meeting of the Council will be he]d in Washington on 10th and 11th April, 1969.

  14. The Defence Planning Committee which met in Ministerial Session on 14th November will hold its next Ministerial Meeting in Brussels on 16th January, 1969.

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