Updated: 23-Oct-2000 Ministerial Communiqus


Oct. 1968

Final Communiqué

Chairman: Mr. M. Brosio.


Tactical use of nuclear weapons studies.

The NATO Nuclear Planning Group, composed of the Ministers of Defence of seven NATO countries, adjourned today after a two-day conference in Bonn. Attending the meeting were Mr. Paul-Willem Segers, Belgium; Mr. Eric Ninn-Hansen, Denmark; Mr. Gerhard Schroeder, Germany; Mr. Panayotis Pipinelis, Greece; Mr. Luigi Gui, Italy; Mr. Denis Healey, United Kingdom; and Mr. Clark Clifford, United States, Mr. Manlio Brosio, Secretary General of NATO, was Chairman.

The Ministers examined the progress made in the studies commissioned at the last Ministerial Meeting at The Hague with regard to the tactical use of nuclear weapons in defence of the North Atlantic Treaty area as part of the NATO strategy of a flexible and balanced conventional and nuclear response to aggression. They gave directions for the expeditious completion of further tasks in this field.

The Ministers agreed to hold the Group's next meeting in London in May 1969.

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