- The ninth session of the North Atlantic Council was held in
Lisbon from February 20th to February 25th 1952, under the
Chairmanship of the Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Canadian Secretary
of State for External Affairs.
On February 18th, the Kingdom of Greece and the Republic of
Turkey acceded to the Treaty, and representatives of their
respective governments attended throughout the session. In all,
thirty-five Ministers of fourteen countries took part in the
discussions of the Council.
- The Council made further progress in dealing with current and
long-range problems of the Atlantic Community. The decisions
taken and the agreements reached by the Council are the
practical result of projects initiated at earlier sessions and
reflect the continuing work of the Treaty agencies. They
represent the united efforts of member governments to safeguard
the peace, stability and well-being of the North Atlantic
Community through the strengthening of their collective defence.
- The Council took note of a report of the Paris Conference on
the European Defence Community and a report by the Occupying
Powers on the proposed contractual arrangements with the German
Federal Republic. The Council found that the principles
underlying the Treaty to establish the European Defence
Community conformed to the interests of the Parties to the North
Atlantic Treaty. It also agreed on the principles which should
govern the relationship between the proposed Community and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The North Atlantic Council
agreed to propose to its members and to the European Defence
Community reciprocal security undertakings between the members
of the two organizations. Such undertakings would require
ratification in accordance with
the constitutional processes of the states involved. All these
decisions are inspired by the conviction that the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and the European Defence Community have a
common objective, to strengthen the defence of the Atlantic
area, and that the development of the European Defence Community
should be carried forward in this spirit. Therefore, the Council
considered that the obligations and relationships between the
Communities should be based on the concept of two closely
related organizations, one working, so far as this objective is
concerned, within the framework of, and reinforcing the other.
- The Council took detailed and comprehensive action based on
the recommendations of the Temporary Council Committee. The
decisions taken by the Council provided for the earliest
building up of balanced collective forces to meet the
requirements of external security within the capabilities of
member countries. Agreement was reached on the specific
defensive strength to be built this year, and on a definite
programme of measures to be taken this year to increase
defensive strength in following years. A number of important
steps were agreed to be taken by the Treaty Organization and by
member governments to accomplish this building-up with a more
efficient use of resources. Policies designed to maintain and
strengthen the economies and social stability of member
countries were agreed and recommended to governments.
- Agreement was reached on the financing of a further portion
of the infrastructure program, for airfields, communications and
- The terms of reference of the Standing Group and of the
Supreme Commander, Allied Powers in Europe, were revised to
reflect added responsibilities, notably for equipment priorities
and planning for the logistical support of the military forces.
The Council agreed that the ground and air forces of Greece and
Turkey assigned to NATO will operate under the overall command
of SACEUR through Commander-in-Chief, Southern Europe. The Naval
Forces of Greece and Turkey will remain for the present under
their national Chiefs of Staff, operating in close co-ordination
with all other naval forces in the Mediterranean. The Standing
Group was directed to continue its study of command of naval
forces in the Mediterranean area and their co-ordination with
land and air forces and to submit a definitive report to the
Council at its next meeting.
- The Council also took action to adapt the Treaty Organization
to the needs arising from the development of its activities from
the planning to the operational stage. The North Atlantic
Council, while continuing to hold periodic Ministerial meetings,
will henceforth function in permanent session through the
appointment of Permanent Representatives. The Council decided to
appoint a Secretary-General, who will head a unified
international Secretariat designed to assist the Council in the
fulfillment of its increasing responsibilities. All civilian
activities of the Organization will be concentrated in the
geographical area where are situated other international
agencies whose work is closely related to that of the Treaty
Organization and with which close administrative connection is
essential to efficiency. These are presently situated in the
vicinity of Paris. When these changes become effective, the
Council will assume the functions hitherto performed by the
Council Deputies, the Defence Production Board, and the
Financial and Economic Board.
- The Council adopted a report of the Atlantic Community
Committee, established at its Ottawa meeting. This report
emphasized the importance of economic co-operation, the
expansion and liberalization of trade, and the possibility of
working out closer co-operative arrangements with other bodies,
particularly the OEEC. In approving the analysis of the problem
of the movement of labor between member countries in the report
of the Atlantic Community Committee, the Council acknowledged
the importance of this problem and endorsed the resolution of
the Temporary Council Committee on this subject. It was agreed
that the permanent North Atlantic Treaty Organization should
keep this problem under continuous review, and make
recommendations for the elimination, by the most effective
utilization of manpower resources, of general or specific
manpower shortages which hinder defence production. As
co-operation in the field covered by the Five Power Atlantic
Community Committee is of direct and common concern to each
member of the Council, it was decided that the future work in
this sphere should be transferred to the Council.
- The Council issued a Declaration reaffirming the aims of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization as the promotion of peace
through defensive strength and enduring progress.