NATO Guidance
the development of training and educational programmes
to support the policy on combating the trafficking in human beings
1.Training and creating awareness are key elements to ensure the successful
implementation of this policy. In particular, training will provide information
to identify trafficking and will put military and civilian personnel
on notice of consequences for engaging in trafficking.
2. Two different kinds of training to be offered by NATO and national training
institutions are envisaged for the implementation of the present policy:
- a general module, aimed at the personnel (military
or civilian) to be employed in a NATO operation, with a twofold focus
- outline the characteristics of trafficking
in human beings; and
- summarise the national and international legal
provisions which punish those who engage in trafficking in human
beings, or facilitate
- specific modules, aimed at all those categories of personnel who have
specific responsibilities, either under national legislation
or under the present policy, to police the behaviour of personnel or
take specific actions to combat trafficking.
3. The general module will need to include, as a minimum,
the following elements:
- background information on the trafficking phenomenon,
its origins, its victims, its perpetrators (organised crime) and an
overview of the purposes for which human beings are trafficked including
links which exist between trafficking and the illegal sex industry;
- if the training is imparted in a pre-deployment context, an outline
of the specific instances of trafficking to which personnel
might be confronted in the deployment area from a security perspective.
In this respect, training would address how trafficking in human beings
supports other elements of organised crime that present a threat to
the mission;
- guidelines to detect instances of trafficking or identify
trafficked people, and how to deal with such events (reporting, actions
to be taken, etc.); and
- a summary of the legal provisions affecting
those who engage in trafficking or facilitate it.
4. The specific modules will contain, as a minimum, the following elements:
- For commanders and supervisors: how to deal with
reports concerning involvement of their subordinates in trafficking
and what
measures to take; and
- For military police units which are part of
national contingents: how to investigate allegations of involvement
in trafficking by members
of their national contingent, with specific focus on the sensitive
aspects of such an investigation, such as victim identification and
5. To ensure the greatest effectiveness training modules should:
- be provided to all levels of military and civilian
- include information tailored to the specific situation/requirement
of the target audience;
- be developed with input from anti-trafficking
experts of international and non-governmental organisations with
experience in
combating trafficking;
- where feasible focus on “train the trainers” events to
ensure the dissemination of appropriate information at all levels;
- should include case studies, interactive methods of training; and
- make use of distance and computer based training.