Updated: 22 April 1999 Media Programme

Notes About Press Coverage of Events

This schedule addresses official NATO events.
For coverage of schedules of individual leaders, please contact their press representatives directly.

All official NATO events are POOLED.

ALL INTERPRETATION will be in mults of

  1. All English
  2. All French
  3. International (floor) sound
At the NATO Media Center and pool camera positions at events.

ALL OFFICIAL EVENTS will be telecast by NATO TV and transmitted by satellite with three audio channels (English, French, and international sound). NATO-TV material is available free and for unrestricted use in North America and internationally.
For information, please contact: (202) 354-1745.

Coverage of individual leader arrivals to Washington, D.C. for the Summit and arrangements for coverage will be issued as a separate advisory.

All times are U.S. Eastern Daylight Time.

Thursday, 22 April
NATO Council Meeting (Ambassadors)
Old Customs Building - Closed Press
16:30 NATO Council Meeting at the Level of Ambassadors

Friday, 23 April
Meeting Of Heads of State and Governments and Heads of Delegations on Kosovo
Pavilion Room - ITC - Pool Photo Session
8:00 Media pool and Leaders personal photographers covering the meeting assembles at the press meeting point at the ITC
8:45 Media pool and Leaders personal photographers in place in the Pavilion room of the ITC
9:15 Opening of the meeting. Media pool and Leaders personal photographers will be escorted out of room.
12:15 End of the Meeting on Kosovo

Friday, 23 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Commemorative Event - Mellon Auditorium
Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
10:30 Visual media pool covering the commemorative event assembles at the press meeting point in the ITC
11:40 Visual media pool in place in the Mellon Auditorium
11:15 Print media pool covering the commemorative event assembles at the press meeting point in the ITC
11:45 Print media pool in place in the Mellon Auditorium
12:20 Leaders personal photographers assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC to be escorted to the Green Room of the Old Customs Building
12:55 Ceremonial entry of NATO flags, in the order of accession of countries to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in the Mellon Auditorium
13:10 Official portrait of the leaders on the stage of the Mellon Auditorium
13:15 Opening statement by the NATO Secretary General
13:20 Statements by Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation
14:00 Closing remarks by the Secretary General
End of the Commemorative Event

Friday, 23 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Secretary General News Conference
Amphitheater - ITC - Open Coverage
14:15 News conference of the NATO Secretary General in the Amphitheater of the ITC - Open Coverage

Additional news conferences and press briefings in the press briefing rooms at the ITC - Schedule to be put on Media Center closed circuit TV

Friday, 23 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers
State Department - Pool Photo Session
16:15 Media pool assembles at press meeting point at the ITC
16:30 Media bus leaves ITC for the State Department
16:45 Media pool in place for arrival at the State Department
16:45 Media pool and Ministers personal photographers in place in the conference room at the State Department
17:30 Beginning of the Foreign Ministers Meeting. Media pool and Ministers personal photographers are escorted out of the room.
19:00 End of the Foreign Ministers meeting

Friday, 23 April
Meeting of NATO Defense Ministers
State Department - Pool Photo Session
16:15 Media pool assembles at press meeting point at the ITC
16:30 Media bus leaves ITC for the State Department
16:45 Media pool in place for arrival at the State Department
16:45 Media pool and Ministers personal photographers in place in the conference room at the State Department
17:30 Beginning of the Defense Ministers Meeting. Media pool and Ministers personal photographers are escorted out of the room.
19:00 End of the Defense Ministers meeting

Friday, 23 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
White House 50th Anniversary Dinner for Heads of State
and Government and Heads of Delegation of NATO Countries, Hosted by President Bill Clinton and the First Lady - Pool Coverage
17:00 All media pools assemble at the press meeting point at the ITC before being transported to the White House - Pool Cards are nominative and are not transferable
17:30 Final departure of pools from ITC
Arrival of Heads of State and Government who are welcomed by U.S. Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Mel French, at the North Portico of the White House. Pool coverage from dedicated pool area.
20:00 Toasts by President Bill Clinton and NATO Secretary General, Mr. Javier Solana. Coverage inside the White House by restricted pool and some Leaders personal photographers

Friday, 23 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Dinner Co-Hosted by the U.S. Secretaries of State and of Defense for NATO Foreign and Defense Ministers, NATO Permanent Representatives and Military Authorities in the Benjamin Franklin Room
at the State Department - Pool Photo Session
18:45 Media pool assembles at the press meeting point at the ITC before being transported to the State Department
19:15 Media bus leaves ITC for the State Department
19:30 Media pool and Ministers personal photographers are in place for arrival at the State Department
19:30 Media pool and Ministers personal photographers are in place in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the State Department. Coverage for remarks only.
20:00 Dinner at the State Department

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
North Atlantic Council Summit Meeting Arrival
Mellon Auditorium, Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
7:30 Media pool covering the arrivals can do so from bleacher position on Constitution Avenue

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
North Atlantic Council Summit Meeting
Mellon Auditorium, Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
7:00 Media pools covering the opening session assemble at the press meeting point at the ITC
8:25 Media pool in place in Mellon Auditorium
8:15 Leaders personal photographers assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC to be escorted to the Green Room of the Customs Building
9:15 Opening session of the NATO Summit begins in the Mellon Auditorium
9:30 Opening session ends. Media pools leave the Mellon Auditorium and working session of the NATO Summit begins.
12:00 Working session ends
12:00 Address by the President of the North Atlantic (parliamentary) Assembly - CLOSED PRESS

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Leaders walk to Lunch
ITC Courtyard - Photo Pool Session
11:15 Media pool and Leaders personal photographers covering the Leaders Walk assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC
12:00 Media pool and Leaders personal photographers are in place in the ITC Courtyard
12:15 Leaders walk through the ITC Courtyard en route to lunch.

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Working Lunch for NATO Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation in the Pavilion of the International Trade Center (ITC) - Closed Press Coverage- Leaders Personal Photographers only
12:20 Leaders Personal photographers covering the Lunch hold in place after the Leaders Walk and are escorted to the Pavilion for picture
12:30 Working Lunch begins and Leaders personal photographers are escorted out of room
14:30 End of Lunch

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Ministers walk to Lunch
ITC Courtyard - Pool Photo Session
11:30 Media pool and personal photographers covering the Ministers Walk assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC
12:00 Media pool and Ministers personal photographers in place in the ITC Courtyard
12:15 Ministers walk through the ITC Courtyard en route to lunch
12:20 Personal photographers covering the Ministers Lunch hold in place after the Ministers Walk and are escorted to the Ariel Rios Building for picture.

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Working Lunch for Foreign and Defense Ministers, NATO Military Authorities and other Guests in the Green Room,
Ariel Rios Building - Closed Press Coverage- Ministers Personal Photographers only
12:25 Ministers personal photographers are in place after Ministers Walk
12:30 Lunch co-hosted by U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, U.S. Secretary of Defense, William Cohen.
14:30 Lunch ends

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Secretary General News Conference in Amphitheater of ITC -
Open Coverage
14:45 News Conference by Secretary General in Amphitheater of ITC

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Summit Meeting of the NATO/Ukraine Commission
Mellon Auditorium, Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
15:00 Media pool covering the opening session of the NUC assemble at the press meeting point at the ITC
15:45 Media pool is in place in Mellon Auditorium.
16:10 Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation enter into the Mellon Auditorium and proceed for the Official Portrait
16:15 Opening Session of the NUC Summit
16:20 Media pool leaves the Mellon Auditorium
16:25 Working session of the NUC Summit begins
17:25 Working session of the NUC Summit ends

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Brief Joint Press Statement by NATO Secretary General and President of Ukraine In Ampitheater of ITC - Open Press
17:30 Brief Joint Press Statement by NATO Secretary General and the President of Ukraine in the Amphitheater of the ITC

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
EAPC Summit Dinner
Pavilion Of White House - Pool Coverage
16:30 Media pool covering the arrivals of Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation, Foreign and Defense Ministers, Secretaries General of NATO and WEU, CHODS and NATO Military Authorities, assemble at the press meeting point at the ITC
17:00 Arrival Media pool departs ITC for the White House
17:00 Media pool covering the guests being announced into the Pavilion and President Bill Clinton's toast, assemble at the press meeting point at the ITC
17:30 Pavilion Media pool departs ITC for the White House
19:00 Arrivals of EAPC Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation at the White House with EAPC Partner countries arriving first, followed by NATO countries. The U.S. Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Mel French, welcomes guests.
20:55 Official White House Dinner, South Lawn Pavilion

Saturday, 24 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Dc salutes NATO
National Building Museum - Pool Coverage
19:45 Media pool assembles in the press meeting place in the ITC
20:00 Media pool departs the ITC for National Building Museum
20:30 Media pool arrives at the National Building Museum
21:00 Media pool in place in the National Building Museum - COVERAGE OF REMARKS ONLY
21:30 Media pool escorted out of National Building Museum
21:45 Media pool departs for the ITC

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Eapc Summit Meeting Arrival
Mellon Auditorium, Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
7:30 Media pool covering the arrivals can do so from the bleacher position on Constitution Avenue.

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit Meeting with the Neighbouring States on Kosovo
Mellon Auditorium, Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
7:15 Media pool covering the Opening Session assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC
7:15 Leaders personal photographers assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC to be escorted to the Green Room
8:15 Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation assemble in the Green Room
8:30 Media pool in place in the Mellon Auditorum
9:00 Opening session begins
9:10 End of opening session. Media pools are escorted out.
9:15 Working session begins
10:30 Working session ends

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
EAPC Summit
Mellon Auditorium, Old Customs Building - Pool Coverage
10:40 Leaders personal photographers assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC to be escorted to the Green Room
10:40 Media pool covering the arrivals assembles at press meeting point at the ITC
11:25 Media pool is in place in Mellon Auditorium
11:50 EAPC Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation assemble in the Green Room of the Customs Building. Coverage by Leaders personal photographers only.
12:00 Opening Session of the EAPC Summit in the Mellon Auditorium.
NOTE: Leaders personal photographers to cover the Opening Session in a second wave.
12:15 Working Session of the EAPC begins. Media pools will be escorted out.
13:45 Working Session of the EAPC ends

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
EAPC Official Portrait
ITC Courtyard - Pool Coverage
12:45 Media pool and Leaders personal photographers covering the EAPC Official Portrait in the courtyard of the ITC assembles at the press meeting point
13:15 Media pool for official portrait is in place in the ITC Courtyard
13:45 Working Session of EAPC ends
13:50 Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation and NATO Authorities proceed to the courtyard of the ITC for the Official Portrait
14:05 Official Portrait in the Courtyard of the ITC
14:15 Leaders personal photographers covering the lunch assemble after the Official Portrait photo and hold for movement to Leaders Lunch photo

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Ministers Walk to Lunch
ITC Courtyard - Pool Photo Session
11:45 Media pool covering the Ministers Walk assemble at the press meeting point in the ITC.
12:30 Media pool in place in the ITC courtyard.
12:55 Ministers walk through the ITC Courtyard en route to lunch
13:10 Ministers personal photographers gather and move to Ministers Lunch

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Secretary General News Conference
ITC Ampitheater - Open Coverage
14:00 News conference of the Secretary General in the ITC Amphitheater

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Working Lunch of the EAPC Heads of State and Government, and Heads of Delegation in the Pavilion of the ITC -
Coverage by Leaders Personal Photographers Only
14:10 Leaders personal photographers covering the lunch assemble after the Official Portrait photo and hold for Leaders Lunch photo
14:15 Leaders personal photographers escorted to the Pavilion for picture
14:30 Working Lunch begins and Leaders personal photographers are escorted out of room

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Ministers Lunch
ITC - Ariel Rios Building - Closed Press
14:10 Ministers personal photographers move to Ministers lunch from walk site
14:20 Ministers personal photographers in place
14:30- Lunch hosted by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
16:30 Albright for Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representatives, and EAPC Partner Ambassadors in the Green Room of the Ariel Rios Building

Sunday, 25 April
NATO Summit 50th Anniversary
Defense Ministers and Military Authorities Lunch
ITC - Woodrow Wilson Building - Closed Coverage
13:30- Lunch hosted by U.S. Secretary of Defense William
15:30 Cohen for Defense Ministers and Military Authorities in the Woodrow Wilson Center at the ITC
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