Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building
- Ukrainian
- English
The Member states of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council reaffirm their conviction that effective and efficient state defence institutions under civilian and democratic control are fundamental to stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and essential for international security co-operation. They agree to establish a Partnership Action Plan to support and sustain further development of such institutions across the Euro-Atlantic area.
The Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building (PAP-DIB) aims to reinforce efforts by EAPC Partners to initiate and carry forward reform and restructuring of defence institutions to meet their needs and the commitments undertaken in the context of the Partnership for Peace Framework Document and EAPC Basic Document, as well as the relevant OSCE documents including the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security.
The PAP-DIB is developed within the EAPC framework and is open to all EAPC Partners. In line with NATO's special focus on the Caucasus and Central Asia, it may have particular relevance for Partners in these two regions, as well as for Moldova. It provides a common political and conceptual platform for bilateral and multilateral co-operation in developing and sustaining efficient and democratically responsible defence institutions including the armed forces under democratic and civilian control. The PAP-DIB will define common objectives for Partnership work in this area, encourage exchange of relevant experience among all Allies and Partners, foster resource efficiency, and help tailor and focus bilateral assistance programmes related to defence and security issues. It will include possible new measures to facilitate and harmonise operational cooperation between security structures including those beyond the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence.
In taking this work forward, Allies and Partners will explore opportunities to co-operate with other international organisations and institutions which share a commitment to democratic transformation and security co-operation in the Euro-Atlantic area, in particular the EU and the OSCE.
II. Objectives
- PAP-DIB is an integral part of the Partnership for Peace. By agreeing this initiative, Allies and Partners commit themselves to dialogue, exchange of experience, and practical co-operation in pursuing the following objectives considered fundamental to the development of effective and democratically responsible defence institutions:
5.1. Develop effective and transparent arrangements for the democratic control of defence activities, including appropriate legislation and co-ordination arrangements setting out the legal and operational role and responsibilities of key state institutions in the Legislative and Executive branches of Government.
5.2. Develop effective and transparent procedures to promote civilian participation in developing defence and security policy, including participation of civilians in governmental defence institutions, cooperation with non-governmental organisations and arrangements to ensure appropriate public access to information on defence and security issues.
5.3. Develop effective and transparent legislative and judicial oversight of the defence sector, including appropriate arrangements to conduct due legal process.
5.4. Develop effective and transparent arrangements and procedures to assess security risks and national defence requirements; develop and maintain affordable and inter-operable capabilities corresponding to these requirements and international commitments, including those in the framework of PfP.
5.5. Develop effective and transparent measures to optimise the management of defence ministries and agencies with responsibility for defence matters, and associated force structures, including procedures to promote inter-agency co-operation.
5.6. Develop effective and transparent arrangements and practices to ensure compliance with internationally accepted norms and practices established in the defence sector, including export controls on defence technology and military equipment.
5.7. Develop effective and transparent personnel structures and practices in the defence forces, including training and education, promotion of knowledge of international humanitarian law, arrangements for transparent promotion and career development, and for protection of the civil rights and freedoms of members of the armed forces.
5.8. Develop effective and transparent financial, planning, and resource allocation procedures in the defence area.
5.9. Develop effective, transparent and economically viable management of defence spending, taking into account macro-economic affordability and sustainability; develop methods and policies in order to cope with the socio-economic consequences of defence restructuring.
5.10. Develop effective and transparent arrangements to ensure effective international co-operation and good neighbourly relations in defence and security matters.
III. Mechanisms
This Action Plan will make maximum use of existing EAPC and PfP tools and mechanisms. Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) and PfP Planning And Review Process (PARP) will serve as primary instruments for pursuing PAP-DIB objectives and PARP will be adapted for this purpose. This may include development of Partnership Goals related to PAP-DIB and tailored to meet the needs and circumstances of individual Partners. Partners who have not made a decision to develop an IPAP or to participate in PARP but who wish to further develop democratic defence institutions and forces may make full use of their IPP to take advantage of specific activities which have been developed in this area of Partnership work. New multilateral co-operative activities, including those offered by Allies and Partners, may also be developed in the EAPC/PfP framework to address common issues of relevance to implementation of the PAP-DIB objectives. In taking forward this initiative, Allies and Partners will draw on the experience and lessons learned in the context of the Membership Action Plan.
The International Staff will report periodically to Allies and Partners on the implementation and development of PAP-DIB and on the overall progress in reaching PAP-DIB objectives.
To the maximum extent possible, NATO-sponsored multilateral activities will be developed in transparency and co-operation as appropriate, with other international organisations, in particular the EU and the OSCE.
Allies and Partners are invited to support and/or contribute to the development and implementation of programmes and activities in support of this Plan. They should be prepared to assist in the development of new EAPC and PfP activities and provide tailored bilateral assistance, including twinning and mentoring initiatives.