NATO and partners exchange best practices against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats

  • 23 Mar. 2010 - 24 Mar. 2010
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  • Last updated: 22 Mar. 2010 17:56

On 23 and 24 March 2010, NATO will host a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defence workshop and exhibition at its headquarters in Brussels. This is part of NATO’s commitment to bolster efforts against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

b030427bi Exercise "Ferghana 2003" held in the Ferghana Region of Uzbekistan, 27th - 30th April 2003. Exercise scenario Site 2 - industrial location, chemical leakage risk.

The event aims to deepen cooperation, facilitate information exchange and share best practices between Allies, partners and industry on CBRN defence capability development. It also aims to discuss ways of improving civil and military cooperation in crisis management operations.

Experts will focus on NATO’s most critical capabilities, including CBRN detection, identification and monitoring technologies and strategies; disease surveillance, warning and reporting; CBRN attack recovery; and training opportunities for partners.

Numerous experts from NATO member states, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Mediterranean Dialogue, the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative and other partners around the globe will be attending. Also participating will be representatives from the European Union, the World Health Organization, and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.