Secretary General visits NATO Command in Naples

  • 23 Nov. 2018 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 23 Nov. 2018 11:38

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited the Allied Joint Force Command in Naples on Friday (23 November 2018). He was welcomed by Admiral James Foggo, Commander of JFC Naples, and met other senior officers. The Secretary General took part in a medal ceremony before visiting NATO’s Regional Hub for the South, based at the Joint Force Command.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Adm James Foggo, Commander JFC Naples

Mr. Stoltenberg was given a briefing about the work of the Hub and met staff in the facility. At the Brussels Summit in July, NATO leaders declared our Hub for the South fully operational. It helps the Alliance to improve its  awareness and understanding of challenges from the South, and to work with NATO  partners to counter those challenges through information sharing and assessments of potential threats. The Hub cooperates with different groups, including non-governmental organisations and academic institutions.

During his visit to JFC Naples the Secretary General was also given an update by NATO commanders about the Western Balkans and NATO’s new training mission in Iraq.