Учения ЕКЦРСБК по ликвидации последствий «Босния и Герцеговина-2017»
С 25 по 29 сентября 2017 года Евроатлантический координационный центр реагирования на стихийные бедствия и катастрофы (ЕКЦРСБК) проведет полевые учения по ликвидации последствий «Босния и Герцеговина-2017» в городе Тузла и его окрестностях (Босния и Герцеговина). Учения совместно организованы ЕКЦРСБК и Министерством безопасности Боснии и Герцеговины. Учения официально начнутся 25 сентября во время церемонии открытия. Основные полевые учения пройдут 27 и 28 сентября.
More than 1200 participants from 34 NATO Allied and partner countries will take part in the event.
Teams from 19 NATO Allied and partner nations with disaster response capabilities will participate in the exercise. Also, 15 additional countries will send exercise staff or observers to the exercise.
NATO and partner countries will practice disaster response mechanisms, exercise capabilities and will improve their ability to work together effectively in emergency situations. The exercise will also contribute to strengthen the host nation's capacity to effectively coordinate international disaster response operations.
The exercise will be based on a combined flood and earthquake scenario, linked to the type of geological and environmental challenges faced by Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sadly, this country is no stranger to natural disasters. Floods and landslides devastated large parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014. More than 40 countries and several international organizations provided support. At the request of the Ministry of Security a NATO civilian team was deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 2014. One of the team's recommendations was that training activities and civil military international exercises should be organized in the future.
It will provide an opportunity for NATO and partner countries to improve interoperability across a wide range of operations, including water rescue, urban search and rescue and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) protection.
This is the 17th field exercise conducted by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) since 2000, and the first hosted by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The exercise Base of Operation will be located in the Campus of the University of Tuzla. All media representatives who wish to cover the exercise must be accredited.
Media arrangements
(Please note that additional media opportunities may be announced at a later date closer to the start of the exercise)
Monday, 25 September
10.30 – Official opening of the exercise – Exercise Base of Operation, Tuzla
11.20 – 12.30 – Demonstration of exercise activities and technical presentation – Exercise Base of Operation, Tuzla
12.30 – 13.00 – Joint Press Point by NATO and Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wednesday, 27 September and Thursday, 28 September
Field exercise activities: For more information, please contact the Exercise Information Center in the Base of Operations.
Friday, 29 September
11h00 – Closing press conference - Exercise Base of Operation, Tuzla – Press Room
The deadline for accreditation is 15 September 2017, 16:00 local time.
Information on the accreditation process for journalists is available on http://bih2017.msb.gov.ba/ or http://www.msb.gov.ba.
Applications for accreditation can be made through the following http://bih2017.msb.gov.ba/.
During the exercise "BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA 2017", an Information Center will be operational in the Base of Operations. The Center will be staffed by the Bosnian authorities.
Media accommodations
Media representatives are requested to make their own accommodation arrangements. Here is a list of recommended hotels:
- Hotel Senad od Bosne, Lukavac http://hotelsenadodbosne.com/en/
- Motel Milenium, Lukavac www.facebook.com/club.millenium.lukavac
- Motel Iveljić www.motel-iveljic.com.ba
Foreign nationals who need an entry visa are requested to apply for it at the nearest diplomatic representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: +387 33 492 784;
Mob: +387 61 350 717;
E-mail: glasnogovornik@msb.gov.ba
Website: http://www.msb.gov.ba
Exercise Information Center in the Base of Operations
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: +387 33 492 784;
Mob: +387 61 350 717;
E-mail: glasnogovornik@msb.gov.ba
Website: http://www.msb.gov.ba
NATO Point of Contact:
NATO Press and Media Section
NATO Headquarters, Brussels
E-mail: moc@hq.nato.int
Tel: +32 2 707 50 35/ +32 2 707 10 10