
23 Entries

23 Jun. 2011 110623-ims.jpg - 110623-ims.jpg, 52.77KB

UN ''Operational Readiness'' mirrors NATO Interoperability

Today, Lt.Gen Babacar Gaye, the Military Advisor of the United Nations met with NATO’s Military Committee. This was the second visit of a UN Military Advisor to NATO headquarters for an exchange of views on NATO-UN cooperation.
22 Apr. 2010 100415-nc3a.jpg, 32.30KB

France and NATO to test interoperability of surveillance capabilities in Afghanistan

France has become the first country to subscribe to the Alliance’s Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Step 1 Testing under the Distributed Networked Battle Labs framework managed by the NATO C3 Agency (NC3A). The Battle Labs framework is a collaborative effort between NATO and industry that aims to deliver capability to operational forces more quickly and improve the effectiveness of the capabilities delivered.
20 May. 2009 090515-act-necc.jpg, 83.28KB

Spring NC3B meeting focuses on interoperability

The NATO Consultation, Command and Control Board (NC3B), the senior multinational Committee advising the North Atlantic Council on Consultation, Command and Control (C3) policy, conducted its Spring Meeting on 19 - 20 May 2009 at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

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