
14 Entries

10 Jul. 2019 190710a-005.jpg - Flag lowering ceremony at old NATO HQ , 53.72KB

NATO pays last tribute to its old home

The flags of NATO and its Allies were lowered for the last time at the old headquarters of the Alliance in Brussels. In a final tribute to the building that hosted NATO for more than fifty years, soldiers from the 29 member nations took down their national flags in a small ceremony today (10 July 2019).
19 Mar. 2018 180319-nnhq.jpg - New NATO headquarters , 67.03KB

NATO begins the final phase of its move to a new home

NATO started today (19 March 2018) the last part of its move to its new headquarters in Brussels. Over the next 12 weeks, around 4000 people - NATO civilian and military staff, as well as 29 national delegations - will transfer to their new offices.
25 May. 2017 170525-story-handover.jpg - 170525-story-handover.jpg, 34.66KB

NATO leaders welcome a new home for the Alliance

NATO leaders today (25 May 2017) marked the handover of the Alliance’s new headquarters in Brussels. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked Belgium and the thousands of people who had contributed to the project, calling the building “a 21st century headquarters for a 21st century Alliance”.
23 Mar. 2017 170320-sg10.jpg - 170320-sg10.jpg , 21.80KB

NATO sets date for May Meeting of NATO Leaders

NATO Allies decided this week that the next Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and/or Government will take place in Brussels on 25 May 2017. The event will include an inauguration of NATO’s new Headquarters.
25 Oct. 2016 161025a-011.jpg - New Belgian stamp presented and sold at NATO headquarters, 61.11KB

Stamp for NATO's new headquarters

For stamp enthusiasts around the world, NATO’s move across the road to new headquarters has not attracted attention, until now. On Saturday (22 October 2016), the Belgian Post issued a commemorative stamp depicting the new NATO Headquarters and its distinctive architecture. Today (25 October 2016), stamp collectors were given an opportunity to purchase this collector’s item, following a ceremony at NATO Headquarters.
25 May. 2016 160526a-043.jpg - Move of "NATO Star" to new headquarters , 70.15KB

NATO star moves to new HQ

The oxidised steel sculpture known as the “NATO star” has stood in front of the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels since August 1971. As part of the move to NATO’s new headquarters, the star moved across Boulevard Leopold III to its new home on Saturday 28 May 2016.
25 May. 2016 160526a-043.jpg - Move of "NATO Star" to new headquarters , 70.15KB

NATO star moves to new HQ

The oxidised steel sculpture known as the “NATO star” has stood in front of the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels since August 1971. As part of the move to NATO’s new headquarters, the star moved across Boulevard Leopold III to its new home on Saturday 28 May 2016.
04 Dec. 2014 140127-new-hq.jpg - 140127-new-hq.jpg, 27.70KB

Contractor claim on project cost and delivery schedule of new NATO Headquarters settled

An agreement has been reached by the Belgian authorities to resolve the claim made by BAM Alliance, the general contractor responsible for the construction of the new NATO Headquarters, for additional work. NATO welcomes this agreement. The negotiations were conducted professionally and the project now has a clear way forward to completion in 2016. Allies will maintain their careful oversight of this important project, led by the Belgian authorities.
27 Jan. 2014 140127-new-hq.jpg - 140127-new-hq.jpg, 27.70KB

Secretary General updates media on New NATO Headquarters

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave media an update on the status of the New NATO Headquarters project at his first monthly press conference of 2014.
16 Dec. 2010 101216a-018.jpg - New NATO Headquarters Ground-Breaking Ceremony, 59.97KB

Work starts on new NATO Headquarters

On 16 December 2010, the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen joined the Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme and the Belgian Defense Minister Pieter de Crem on the site of the new NATO Headquarters in Brussels to attend a ground-breaking ceremony.

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