
29 Entries

11 Feb. 2021 210211-sps-1325.jpg, 27.09KB

NATO supports women and girls in science

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, discover how three young women are making great strides in technology and innovation, with support from the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme.
08 Jul. 2020 200708-cepc.jpg, 37.86KB

NATO Policy Directors discuss strengthening resilience and preparations for second wave in the COVID-19 pandemic

NATO Policy Directors for Civil Preparedness met by secure video conference on Wednesday (8 July 2020), to exchange views and best practices in their response to the COVID-19 crisis and how to strengthen national resilience.
17 Dec. 2018 181210-crit-infra-seminar.jpg , 52.06KB

Allies and Partners address critical infrastructure as a key enabler to enhance resilience

Officials and experts from NATO Allies and partner countries met at NATO Headquarters on 10 December 2018 to discuss critical infrastructure interdependencies across NATO’s seven resilience baselines. These include energy; communications; food and water; transportation; mass casualties; population movements; and continuity of government services.
28 Mar. 2017 170327-romania-parl.jpg - 170327-romania-parl.jpg , 49.85KB

Allies take further steps to enhance resilience

Officials and experts from NATO Allies and partners will discuss improving national resilience against evolving security challenges at a seminar in Bucharest on 28 and 29 March 2017. NATO Heads of State and Government pledged to increase Allied resilience at the Warsaw Summit in July 2016.
24 Feb. 2017 170224-telemedicine.jpg - NATO tests telemedicine system in Ukraine , 70.44KB

NATO develops telemedicine system to save lives in emergencies

NATO has developed a multinational telemedicine system, enabling medical specialists to provide real-time recommendations to first responders at emergency scenes or in combat zones. On Friday (24 February 2017), a high-level conference at NATO headquarters marked the completion of this project, supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme.
28 Nov. 2016 161128-sps1.jpg - NATO ESCD Advanced Regional Civil Emergency Coordination Pilot in the Western Balkans, 55.29KB

Enhancing civil emergency response in the Western Balkans

Countries in the Western Balkans have often been affected by major natural disasters, including flooding and landslides. A new project, supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme and the US Department of Homeland Security, will develop and implement a system to facilitate the coordination among responders and improve civil emergency management across the region.
21 Sep. 2016 160921-cp-seminar-poland.jpg - 160921-cp-seminar-poland.jpg, 26.17KB

Allies move forward on enhancing NATO’s resilience

Officials and experts from NATO member countries met today (21 September 2016) in Warsaw (Poland) to exchange views and follow up on the commitment made by Allies at the Warsaw Summit to continue enhancing NATO’s resilience against any form of armed attack, including by bolstering civil preparedness. The Seminar on “Achieving the NATO Baseline Requirement for Continuity of Government” is taking place just over two months after the NATO Summit in Warsaw, during which Allies undertook to improve civil preparedness by achieving the NATO Baseline Requirements for National Resilience. These focus on the following areas: continuity of government, continuity of essential services, security of critical infrastructure, and support to military forces with civilian means.
20 Jun. 2016 160620b-002.jpg - Delegates from Montenegro visit NATO for consultations on Civil Preparedness and Crisis Management , 50.45KB

Consultations on Civil Preparedness and Crisis Management with Montenegro

An inter-agency delegation from Montenegro met with Civil Preparedness and Crisis management experts at NATO headquarters on Monday (20 June) to take forward Montenegro’s efforts towards integration into Alliance Civil Emergency Planning.
18 Jan. 2016 160118a-001.jpg - The President of Poland visits NATO, 49.88KB

NATO Secretary General discusses Warsaw Summit with Polish President

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Polish President Andrzej Duda met on Monday, 18 January 2016, to discuss preparations for the Warsaw Summit. Mr. Stoltenberg thanked Poland for its continued commitment to Euro-Atlantic security - including through its contributions to the Readiness Action Plan, Alliance-led missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo, and defence capacity building for NATO partners, including Ukraine.
17 Nov. 2015 151117-resilience-conf.jpg - 151117-resilience-conf.jpg, 31.79KB

NATO civil preparedness experts focus on enhanced security cooperation

Directors-General of NATO civil preparedness agencies will convene at NATO Headquarters on 18 and 19 November for their semi-annual meetings. They will discuss ways to improve national resilience in light of the new security environment.

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