(179) Raphael, T. "Russia: the New Imperialism", Wall Street Journal June 22, 1994.
(180) OMRI Daily Report, 2 January, 1995
(181) At the CSCE summit in Budapest in December 1994, President Yeltsin called repeatedly for the CIS to be recognized as an international organization that could guarantee security in the former Soviet Union. Afterwards, on 8 September, 1995 he declared that if NATO expanded, the CIS would develop into an integrated political and military block. This view has been repeated on September 21, 1995 by Russian Foreign Minister Andrey Kozyrev.
(182) For instance, during his visit to the Baltic states in May 1995, Ukrainian President Kuchma has expressed several times his critic to "nationalistic trends in Russian foreign policy". The same views have been expressed by other Ukrainian leaders. See: Interfax May 17, 1995; OMRI, September, 22, 1995.
(183) Prism: Jamestown Foundation Report. June 4, 1995; Segodnia, May 30, 1995
(184) Rogov. S. (1994) "Three Years of Experiments and Mistakes of Russian Diplomacy". Research Study. Centre for the Problems of National Security and International Relations. Quoted in: Goncharenko, A. (1995 "Ukrainian-Russian Relations: An Unequal Partnership". London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies. p. 11.
(185) Uriadovy Kurier. Vol. 3, No. 113, July 29, 1995
(186) Vladimir Sohor, Report, Prism-Jamestown Foundation. June 1995.
(187) OMRI, February 2, 1995.
(188) Vladimir Socor, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. September 29; Interfax, 28 September 1994
(189) ITAR-TASS, 28 September 1994. , Transition, Vol. 1. No. 1.
(190) The Economist. July 22, 1995. See also: Markus, U. (1995) . "Stability Amid Political Turnover". Transition. Prague: OMRI. Vol. 1 No. 4 pp. . 66-70.
(191) Deutsch. K. W. (1968) "The Analysis of International Relations" Rentice-Hall, New Jersey. pg. 198.
(192) Ibid, p. 239
(193) See: Couloumbis Th. A, Wolfe, J. H. (1990) Introduction to International Relations - Power and Justice". Prenctice Hall. p. 307
(194) Markus, U. (1995) . "Missed Opportunities in Foreign Policy". Transition. Vol. 1, No. 15. p. 66.
(195) Couloumbis Th. A, Wolfe, J. H. (1990) Introduction to International Relations - Power and Justice". Prenctice Hall, p. 310
(196) As far as the Article 4 of the Tashkent Treaty assumes that an aggression against one of the memberstates will constitute a casus belli for all the parties to the Treaty. See: Foye. S. (1993) . "The Soviet Legacy". RFE/RL Research Report. Przhebilsky. S (1994) . "On the question of Military Security of the CIS states", Institute of International Studies, Prague, Czech Republic.
(197) "Polityka i Chas". 1993, N. 2. , p. 31
(198) RFE/RL Research Report, Vol. 2, No. 16, pp. 22-28.
(199) "Polityka i Chas", 1993. , N. 12, p. 69
(200) Vachudova, M. A. (1993) "The Vishegrad Four: No Alternative to Cooperation?" RFE/RL Research Report. Vol. 2, No. 34. p. 40.
(201) For more information see: Polityka i Chas, 1994, Vol. 2, No. 7
(202) Also known as a Central European Zone of Security and Cooperation.
(203) Jung, M. (1995) "A New Concept of European Security". /Interview with First Deputy Foreign Minister Borys Tarasiuk/. Transition. OMRI: Prague. Vol. 1. No. 11. p. 22.
(204) RFE/RL Research Report, 1993, Vol. 2, No. 21, 1993, p. 4
(205) Financial Times, 22 April, 1993
(206) RFE/RL Research Report, 1993. Vol. 2, No. 21, 1993, p. 5.
(207) Budkin V. (1993) "Politics and Ideology in the External Strategy of the New Independent States". Kiev. Politychna Dumka. Vol. 1. No. 2. p. 156.