Academic Forum

The National
Debates over

7 Oct. '97

NATO Enlargement
The National Debates over Ratification

Simon SERFATY and Stephen CAMBONE, editors

  1. Agenda

  2. Conference Report

  3. Participants

  4. Acknowledgements

  5. About the Authors

Chapter 1
The Logic of Dual Enlargement by Simon Serfaty

Chapter 2
British Views on NATO Enlargement by Jane M.O. Sharp

Chapter 3
The NATO Debate in France by Pascal Boniface

Chapter 4
Germany and the Enlargement of NATO by Karl-Heinz Kamp/Peter Weilemann

Chapter 5
Greece and NATO Enlargement by Theodore A. Couloumbis

Chapter 6
The Ratification of NATO Enlargement - The Case of Italy by Marta Dassu/Roberto Menotti

Chapter 7
Spain and NATO's Enlargement by Fernando Rodrigo

Chapter 8
The Politics of NATO Enlargement in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia by Daniel N. Nelson/Thomas Szayna

Chapter 9
The Debate in the United States Senate by Stephen A. Cambone


This study was financed with a grant from the Office of Information & Press at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. We are especially grateful to Dr. Spyros Philippas, the head of the Academic Affairs Unit in this office, for his encouragement and support.

This study began in the context of an informal discussion held with Dr. Jamie Shea, the NATO spokesman. We are enormously grateful, too, for his guidance and interest. Words of appreciation also go to the various institutions with which each contributing author is associated, including our own, as well, of course, as to the authors themselves. As the project ends, it is good to know that we all remain, or have become, good friends.

Finally, this study ended with a one-day conference that was organized in Washington, D.C., on October 7, 1997. The conference relied on effective contributions from some of the experts who have contributed to this Report (but unfortunately not all), other experts and officials from current NATO members (including Franois Heisbourg and Karsten Voight, as well as Jeremy Rosner and Richard Burt, Sherman Garnett, Peter Rodman, and Steve Szabo), from the Ambassadors to the United States of all three projected new members (namely Gyorgy Banlaki, Jerzy Kozminski, and Alexandr Vondra), and from Senator Charles Hagel and several senior staffers in the United States Senate (including Steve Biegun, Ian Brzezinski, and Stephen Rademaker). We deeply appreciate their willingness to join us on this occasion. Like this project itself, our conference of October 7, and the related discussion that took place with a large audience of experts, officials, and journalists, was not designed as a debate over the pros and cons of NATO ratification but as an assessment of the public debate on both sides of the Atlantic.

Simon Serfaty and Stephen Cambone
October 1, 1997
Washington, D.C.

About The Authors

Pascal BONIFACE is Director of the Institut des Relations Internationales et Stratgiques (IRIS) in Paris, France.

Stephen A. CAMBONE is a Senior Fellow in Political/Military Studies at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.

Theodore A. COULOUMBIS is Professor of International Relations at the University of Athens, and Secretary General of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (Eliamep) in Athens, Greece.

Marta DASSU is the Director of the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI) in Rome, Italy.

Karl-Heinz KAMP is Chief for Foreign and Security Policy with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Bonn, Germany.

Roberto MENOTTI is a Research Fellow with the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionle (CeSPI) in Rome, Italy. He currently is a Visiting Scholar at the School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland.

Daniel N. NELSON is Professor of International Studies at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, and President of Global Concepts in Alexandria, Virginia.

Fernando RODRIGO is Deputy Director of the Centro Espaol de Relaciones Inter-nacionales (CERI) in Madrid, Spain.

Simon SERFATY is Professor of U.S. Foreign Policy at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Vitginia, and Director of European Studies at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.

Jane M.O. SHARP is a Senior Fellow with the Centre for Defence Studies (CDS) at King's College, University of London.

Thomas S. SZAYNA is with the International Studies Group at the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California.

Peter R. WEILEMANN is Deputy Chief of Research with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Bonn, Germany.

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